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Jackie Pov

"Boreas..told the whole dungeon that we are going to assemble at demon place"I said as I fused a bit of my mana into Boreas.

"I dunno Jackie seem powerful than the first we meet"Mimosa said.

"He is our squad captain.What can we say"Noelle smirked.

"Rhya...dont tell me Jokul gonna do what Lady Frozena did before"Fana whispered to Rhya.

"I dunno Fana.Hes son of Lady Frozena and Father Pitcho."Rhya said in worried way.


yeah my words being spread into whole dungeon.All jusy nodded.

"Jack!"Jammie said with joy...

"Well well well interesting"Zagros said...

I transformed into dark elf mode and made the others shocked.Fana and Rhya gulped.Dark elf was the most powerful as he absorbed dark mana.

"Dont worry I can controll it"I smirked.

"Gosh you are beyond us Jackie"Mereoleona praised me.

"Thanks.So lets go"I said.

Mereoleona jumped onto Nozel mercury eagle with Rhya,Mimosa and Captain Jackie.Noelle in her Valkyrie armour and Fana used her phoenix wing

"Mana Zone: Immobulus Reducto Darkness"

I released my dark mana in full capacity as my dark mana covered all my team squad.Let say I gave them high rank protection spell so they wouldnt be harm harm by the demonic slime.Besides I neutralized it


"Well lets move to next spell.Shall we"I said.

My eyes glowed into red one.All who being channeled by my mana started to dissappeared through black dust.All of us then appearred at Zagros place.

"Jackkk!!"Jammie flew toward me and hugged him.

"Woah look so awesome"I smiled.

"Ya.So what your plan "Jammie asked me.

I looked at all my friends and captains.

"You guys please step back first.I need to do something"I said as I looked at all demonic slime.

My grimoire then flipped up the page.

"Dark Magic:Demonic Mode"I smiled.

Suddenly all the demonic black slime started to evaporated its mana and my body started to absorbed it.Oh yeah demon mana was quite awesome

"What the hell"Rhya gasped.

"Did he just absorb that demon spell"

All protection charm on them dissapperead as I sucked it back.They landed on the floor that no more demonic slime.Zagros was totally shock!

"ARGHHH!!!!!"I yelled painfully.




I turned into King of Nightmare mode.I streched my arms forward.Ahh what a delicious mana.All jawdropped.I flew down towards them.

"You look so scary Jackie"Noelle said.

"It seem demonic spell.That freak okay"Fuegoleon chuckled.

Suddenly Secre,Lumiere and Finral appeared.All were gasped!

First Wizard King!!!

Finral fell on me.He was on top of mine.

JACK FROST  BLACK CLOVERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon