"Take care of him... gulf he really loves you..." said fiz with a heady voice trying to control her emotions..

"Fiz.. Is anything wrong??? " asked gulf..
Unknowingly gulf was a but uncomfortable with the vibes going on the private dinner room..

Thong interrupted and said with a not so genuine smile..

"No gulf.. it's just that he works hard nowadays.. and we want him to rest and stay healthy..."

"Don't worry guys.. I will take care of your bestfriend... " said gulf playfully..

After their lunch.... gulf was at his office packing up things.. as it was time to go home..

He called mew...
At the second ring mew picked up his call..

"That was fast.. " gulf chuckled a bit..

"Anything for my love because you are my first priority..."

Gulf blushed after hearing that..

"I think the separation we had.. made you more romantic... I think I should often give us some time... ha ha ha..." gulf teased mew..

As gulf dint get any response... from mew he got worried..

On the other hand mew knew that gulf was joking but he couldn't stop from tearing up...

"Mew... baby..." said gulf..

Mew with his hoarse voice just hummed..


"I am sorry..."

"It okay... gulf.. its just that never repeat these words again... never promise me.. because I just cant live with out you... the second you leave me.. I will die the other second... gulf.." said mew with a tear sliding from his cheecks..

Gulf was also emotional but he felt something odd.. mew never talks negative or the opposite way.. he always sees the bright side of any conversation.. but this time why it felt that mew was hiding something..

"I promise baby... I will never..  "


"Now could my boyfriend pick me up from my workplace.. I am starving mew..." gulf said in a cute tone..

Mew smiled a bit...

"I will be there soon.. baby..."

As mew arrived at the company gulf was already waiting for him with a cute smile.. which was just soo adorable that mew could eat him whole ...

As gulf hopped in mew kissed at gulf's cheecks...

"Someone is being soooo romantic..." said gulf and chuckled

"And someone is shy..  and his ears are red as cherry.. which I am delighted to eat as soon as possible..." mew flirted with gulf..

Gulf pushed mew a little.. and said..

"Stop it mew... I am starving let's go..." said gulf and blushed..

At the restaurant they where both having dinner as gulf was soo hungry he ate like a baby.. and mew was just adoring him...

"Mew have your dinner dont see me as your dinner..." said gulf..

"I am adoring my boyfriend who is soo adorable and sometimes I feel what have I done in my past life that I got you in my life.." mew said my holding gulf's one hand..


"Is someone wrong...???"

Mew was taken aback with the question gulf asked..

"Why...???" Asked mew with little stammering..

"I promised fiz that I wont tell you.. but I dont want to hide anything from you..." said gulf..

Mew eyes got widen.. mew thoughts were like did he know it.. what did fiz told him.. thousand of thoughts started to pop up and mew became pale and was sweating..

"Did fiz said anything to you..?"

"Nothing much.. fiz and thong invited me for lunch and we have had a chit chat..." said gulf

Mew drank the wine in the glass in a one go...

"Did she said anything?"

"No no anything particular.. i just think they still think that i am angry on you about the last time.. thay explained me how much you love me.. but baby.. i really love you... and I am not angry on you.."
Said gulf.

Mew placing his hands over gulfs rubbing is thumb finger.. and said 

"Baby I know you love me and I love you too.. yo the extend that I cant even breathe without you... " mew was being emotional at that moment..

Gulf and mew was in their deep eye conversation and sweet moments...

Suddenly gulfs eyes got widen..


"Hmm.. "

"You have a nose bleed..." said gulf with a worried voice..

Mew kept his hands near his nose and blood started to flow....

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