Penny's Request

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Sarah pulled Barnaby in for a long kiss, overjoyed at his return. 

She'd tried to keep herself busy after she got home from work, but listening to music, washing dishes, and reading all proved futile in calming her anticipation, so she'd taken to pacing the living room floor until she'd finally heard the knock on the door. 

Now, it seemed that Barnaby was the anxious one. He was somewhat rigid, and his hand kept flying to his pocket, like some kind of nervous tick. 

"How was Africa?" she asked. "You're as red as a Chinese Fireball."

"It was great. Thanks to the efforts of your favorite magizoologist, the erumpent population in Kenya is exploding." He tilted his head and grinned. "Get it?"

"Hilarious," she said, giggling despite herself and stepping in for another kiss.

"Sarah, is someone here?" called Sarah's roommate and co-worker at the ministry from her bedroom. 

"Yes, Margie. Barnaby's here!"

"Well, could you keep it down? I'm trying to listen to my wireless," she called. 

"Yes, Margie. We're just about to leave."

"We are?" Barnaby asked. 

"We won't be able to enjoy ourselves with her here anyway," Sarah whispered. "I swear, she's been a nightmare to live with."

"Well, maybe you won't have to live with her much longer," he said, reaching into his pocket again. 

"Unlikely, unless the rent on this place suddenly drops by fifty percent," she muttered. She reached up to massage his shoulders. "Hey listen, I know you're probably exhausted from your trip, but I just got a message from Penny. She wants us to come visit tonight. Says she's got a big surprise."

"Does it have to be tonight?" he asked, his hands rubbing up and down her sides nervously. "I've got a bit of a surprise, too."

She smiled. He always brought her back a present when he traveled. The shelf in her room was littered with little mementos from the places he visited. Penny's message had been quite emphatic that they arrive in time for dinner, though. They'd surely be late if they didn't leave soon. 

Before she could say anything, Barnaby smiled and said, "Whatever makes you happy."

She grinned and held tight to his hand so they could disapparate together. 

They appeared on the edge of Hogsmeade village, which had mostly quieted down as it always did in the evening, the only lights being the streetlamps and those from the windows of the pubs. 

"It always feels strange coming back here," she said, remembering the countless trips she'd taken from the castle to the town with her friends as a student. 

They found the shop easily enough. Penny had managed to purchase a property on the main street, just a few doors down from the Three Broomsticks. It was a quaint shop with a large sign overhead reading "Penny's Potions."

Penny squealed in delight when she opened the door. She crushed each of them in a hug, before grabbing them by the hands and leading them through her potions shop to the stairs leading to her flat. 

"Hungry?" she asked them.

"Starving," said Barnaby.

Penny giggled. "I knew you would be. I've got dinner on the table. Hopefully it's not too cold. You're a bit late." She gave them a stern smile. 

"My fault," said Barnaby, as they arrived on the second story. "I only just got back from Africa."

"How exciting," said Penny. "You'll have to tell us all about it at dinner."

They found Talbott setting a basket of freshly baked Yorkshire pies on the table. Sarah rushed forward to give him a hug. 

"It's great to see you," she said. "I can't believe it's been a year since you got married. It feels like it was only yesterday."

"And you haven't visited in all that time," Penny chastised as Talbott and Barnaby shook hands. 

"You haven't come up to London, either," said Sarah. "Been busy with the shop?"

"Yes, but it's been so much fun. I love getting to see the Hogwarts students."

"Penny has a group of them over twice a week for private potion lessons," said Talbott, putting his arm around her. 

Sarah smiled. That was just like Penny. "So, what's this big surprise?"

Penny rubbed her lips together, sharing a loving glance with her husband before announcing, "We're going to have a baby!"

"Oh my goodness!" Sarah shrieked, rushing forward to hug them both again. "Congratulations! You'll be the most wonderful parents."

Barnaby also offered his congratulations, and Penny held both of Sarah's hands in her own. "Talbott and I agree that we want you to be the godmother."

"Me? Are you sure?" Sarah stammered. 

"Of course! Don't you want to?"

"I'm honored, but don't you want to ask someone more...? Huh, I just realized none of our friends are very responsible."

Penny laughed. "So, will you do it?"

"Yes," she said. " Of course! I'd love to."

After several more rounds of hugs and congratulations, they all sat around the table to eat. Penny tittered about her cooking not being quite right, but Sarah assured her it was the best meal she'd eaten in ages, as neither her or Barnaby were great cooks. Penny's potioneering skills transferred well to the kitchen. 

As they ate, they talked--Sarah and Penny largely of baby names and Penny's business, Barnaby and Talbott of their work. Talbott had officially become an auror, shortly after he and Penny had married.

Sarah could have stayed and chatted all night, but she could tell now that Barnaby had eaten, he was getting increasingly agitated again. She supposed he was just exhausted. 

"Well, we'd better get going," Sarah said. 

"Oh, but you've only just arrived," pleaded Penny. "Why don't you stay the night? You can see my shop in the morning."

"You could come to the last task of the Triwizard Tournament with us tomorrow," said Talbott. 

"Oh, yes! You have to see it," said Penny. "We watched the other tasks as well. I suppose you've heard about Harry Potter being entered."

"Yeah, it's been all over the papers," said Sarah. "Rita Skeeter's painted him as an attention seeking baby, so I'm sure he's a nice boy."

"He seems to be," said Penny. "I've seen him in the village a few times. He and Cedric are tied for first place so far. Please, say you'll stay and see it!"

It did sound fun. Sarah glanced at Barnaby, knowing he could read the excitement on her face. 

"Sounds great to me," he said. 

"Brilliant!" said Penny, and she rushed off to prepare them beds. 

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