Part 5.0

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Something fell in the distance, the force of the collision apparently just too much for whatever it was to hold on.

Hell, it was almost too much for him to hold on, and he was the object which was currently being used as a battering ram.

But it was worth it. God it was so worth it.

Seokjin had been the second to finish and despite how desperately he just wanted to go home and shower and change, he actually did as he was told for once in his entire existence. Waited until Jungkook was finished - fourth, shockingly, because they always seemed to want so many extra shots of the maknae. Waited for whatever was going to happen, accepting the fate that he had apparently sealed for himself.

And that fate was being slammed into the far wall of the nearest empty dressing room with a lock on the door by a growling Jungkook who looked ready to eat him whole.

"Get on your knees." There was no softness to it. No, there was just him being manhandled and ordered and he absolutely loved it. Sunk down onto his knees without so much as a second thought because Jungkook had ordered him to do it. "Do you know what you've been doing to me? Prancing around in those jeans, showing off for everyone. You think I want them to see what's mine?"

"Now, now Jungkook-ah. What happened to being less selfish?" Was right now really the time to be talking back? Probably not. But he was going to do it anyway.

"What's mine is still mine." Jungkook has always had a selfish streak. What was his was his alone and what was everyone else's was almost always his as well. Couple that with the slight possessiveness and jealousy that sometimes sparked and it had been a constant source of conflict.

And if you're name was KIm Seokjin, late night fantasies of this exact scenario occurring.

"Who said I was yours?" There were fingers curling into his hair, scalp still a little tender from everything that had been done to it earlier in the day. Going blond was a process, and he had willingly suffered through it just for the chance of this particular outcome.

"I did." Those fingers tightened and pulled, and he actually moaned at the sensation. Leaned into it just a little. Went with it because it burned so incredibly good. "You're mine. Do you know how much I hate seeing you with Jimin and Taehyung? You're only meant for me."

"Huh. So that tongue in cheek thing does mean you're jealous after all." And wasn't Namjoon going to be disappointed to hear he had finally lost their long standing bet of just what that little action stood for.

"You talk too much." If there was one thing Jungkook really could not stand, it was being called out. Especially when the other person was completely correct in doing so.

"Give me something better to do with my mouth then." His lips were still so soft and shiny, covered with the gloss that had been used earlier to make them appear even more appealing.

Not that they really needed that much help. No, his lips were, by far, one of his very best features. And he let them slightly part now. Forced them out into a pout, until they appeared puffy and swollen.

"You really are a slut." The sound of a zipper being tugged down grabbed his attention, and he glanced forward just in time to watch the other's hand dip beneath the thick waste band of the boxers he wore. Just in time to watch that beautiful hard length smack up against his stomach before standing proudly, pearly drops of pre-cum already leaking from the angry red top that was just begging for his attention.

"I wanted to be good for my hyung." This was wrong. This whole entire fantasy was wrong. Considering the span of time which separated them, that he would have these thoughts about Jungkook of all people seemed ridiculous.

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