"She Sits Beside Me Like A Silouette"

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

"This one?" I said, pointing to a painting of a lady's side profile. I checked the name, "Duke and Duchess of Urbino by Pierro della Francesca."


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"Percilla." Harry said, very thoughtfully. "Ah, see I was thinking Bernadette." I contradicted.

" I contradicted

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   "She's lovely

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"She's lovely." Harry said. I nodded in agreement. "She very much is." At each and every painting he stood with his hands behind his back admiring it. We had decided to spend the day at the gallery. It was a Saturday and though it was beautifully sunny outside, He felt the need I see the Uffizi for the first time.

"This one is 1,000% Alexandra." I pointed towards the "Doni Tondo" by Michaelangelo.

    "You're right

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"You're right." He confirmed. He lifted a painted nail up to his lip to pick at it while he studied the painting. I lightly tugged on his hand, reminding him not to. That was his thing, his fidget. Mine was the tapping. It was a mutual thing.

We ate at Anna's after spending more than half the day at the gallery. I loved it beyond words, and for a writer I felt like I was beyond words an excessive amount of times. I was thankful that that was a struggle of mine.

"On me." Anna said, bringing out two small frosted cookies in one hand and two periwinkles in the other, she had obviously just gone and picked them specifically for us. I felt my face turning slightly pink, but I thought it was so genuine of her.

"I love you, Anna" I thanked her. "Same here." Harry sang. Anna placed the flower in my hair, and then turned and did the same to Harry. "This is the best moment of my life." He grinned.

    "I didn't want to ask you but what are you writing? It's driving me up a wall

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"I didn't want to ask you but what are you writing? It's driving me up a wall." He joked. I let out a laugh, "It's not fancy. No need to crash a car over it." I covered my mouth with my hand and finished chewing. "And we're in a pretty public place, so definitely not right now."

"Understood. But soon?" "Soon." I reassured him with a warm smile.

"THIS IS INCREDIBLE, ANNA" He yelled across the café, and she yelled back from the kitchen. "Of course it is, darling!!" She was already attached. And I was afraid that I was too by the way I was giggling.

I waved goodbye to Harry as I lifted an apron over my head. I went about my normal routine at work, not thinking anything of it.

"Why are you here?" Anne said blatantly, and completely out of the blue. "Oh, you startled me Anna. What did you say?" "I think you heard me, darling. Why?"

It took me no time at all, "To write, and to be inspired. To live and be independent also."

"Are you doing that?" She asked. I peaked a smile. "I'd say so, yeah."

"That's all I want for you, Darbs, you know that." She kissed my cheek. I hugged her, "Then I promise to continue."
She smelt like sweet tangerines and honey. Just like always. She was home to me.

"Tell me about this boy of yours." She pressed. "Mine? Not mine, nope." I laughed. She knew though, and I wasn't about to hide something that felt so prevalent from my Anna.

"I'm not about to get my hopes up." I said to her. She nodded, as if she knew exactly what I was experiencing right in that moment. "And I don't want another situation like the last, you know that."

"The only advice I have for you is to get your hopes up, Darbs. It's the only way to stay alive." She smiled her I-know-I'm-wise smile. She was right, but how terrifying is it to let down your guard so much so that your hopes are commonly let down. I always contradicted myself with things such as these. I knew I needed to drop every worry I had but It seemed so difficult when my brain is geared to think that way.

"You're stronger than you think you are..." She said, walking away as she read my mind. Her voice rung with playfulness. I admired her, and I always would. She had no cares. I strived to love like she loves, it was beautiful.
All but the pressed petals in between my pages reek of lifelessness. Bless her for being a fire in a body of water, a sea of tragic weather and heartfelt poems.

Bless him as well. He is a type of warm embrace that only follows nearly drowning.

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