"the mccall pack has a chupacabra?" he asked before storming off and out of the room.

you shook your head, totally confused by what just went down. "hey, (y/n), were you just talking to Derek?" you heard scott ask, causing you to turn your head around to see him sitting two desks behind you. 

you shrugged, "i don't know who 'derek' is but if he's the creepy dude that just approached me, then yes, i was just talking to derek." you replied, turning around to face him fully.

"what'd he want to know?" scott inquired, more interested now that you've said you did talk to this derek guy. 

"i don't know, he didn't speak much - but he said werewolf, like in question form. also, does he not get sarcasm?" 

"depends, why do you think he do-" scott started before stiles plopped down in the empty desk in front of him.

"hey pretty ladies." he cooed, turning around to pat scotts head and then back around to pat yours.

"hot." scott corrected, causing you to laugh slightly.

"you are a hot girl scott, very, very hot." you sighed, putting your hands on your knees, watching as the two boys broke out in laughter. "not going to ask what's so funny to you two, just going to turn around and try to distract myself from you two idiots." you smiled, turning around.

"oh come on, (y/n), don't be like that." stiles whined, placing his hands on your shoulders before you turned your head around to look at him. you shook your head, closing your eyes before slowly opening them. "you ok?" stiles asked, looking up at you with his chocolate eyes.

"tired." you responded, turning your head back around before slumping back in your seat, briefly closing your eyes to take a nap. you slept for what seemed like seconds before jolting awake at the sound of heels entering the classroom.

"hello class." you heard your teacher, ms. blake say from the front of the class, causing you to sit up fully in your seat. 

you liked ms. blake, she was young and understanding. "today, we'll be doing something a tiny bit different, we'll be using the textbooks." you grunted, of course you had to use the textbooks, the old textbooks that are literally falling apart. 

class flew by in a flash, and all of the sudden you were back at your locker again and scott, stiles, and lydia were all next to you. 

"so, (y/n), what's your thoughts on fashion?" lydia asked, breaking the silence as you placed your books into the locker and grabbed your chemistry binder out.

"doesn't matter, a shirt is a shirt and pants are pants right?" you responded quietly, walking off to class before she could respond. 

you heard her gasp dramatically from behind you but you just shrugged it off as lydia being lydia. 

but suddenly, shrieks and gasps filled the hallway, causing you to turn you your attention to the left of you. 

noticing the dark creature you let out a scream of horror.

mountain lion attacks again? i thought they got these undercover in this damn town.

"(y/n) get out of the way!" you heard someone scream from behind you, but yet you felt too frozen with fear to even blink. 

the creature stared at you blankly, its eyes flashing a violent red colour as it started to snarl at it, its sharp teeth dripping with what looked like blood. 

"(y/n)!" the voice called, again but this time it sounded closer. 

you turned your head slightly to see stiles running towards you, scott close behind him. 

you turned your eyes back to the mountain lion, closing your eyes and slowing your breathing. 

if you were going to die, you were going to do it on your own terms, in a way you were ok with. 

sure, being ripped to shreds by a wild beast isn't the way you'd prefer to die, but if you were ready and you weren't entirely scared, it'd be better than nothing. 

suddenly, you felt your body slam to the ground, as if someone have deliberately pushed you out of the way. 

you turned your gaze back to the person who had pushed you to see stiles kneeling besides you, making sure you're ok from the fall.

"ouch." you laughed sarcastically, completely forgetting about the lurking danger only fifty feet away. 

stiles looked down at you, laughing slightly. 

he reached a hand out to you as a way to help you up. 

you took his hand, standing up to see the mountain lion was gone. 

"i have a feeling that was not just a mountain lion." you whispered to yourself, shaking your head slightly.

forgotten || S.STILINSKIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant