graduation party

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"tharn..... stop..... They'll hear us...." Type whispered.
After a short party at types, they all went back to pichai's and bais, excluding his brother and parents to let loose and relax.
First type went in to use the bathroom, then tharn secretly went in, to lock the door.
In there current position, type was leaned against the sink, tharn had his lips to his neck.
Type bit his lip, feeling those hot lips to his neck, he gripped the counter tightly.
Tharn went to his ear.
"Your the one being loud. Shhhh...."
Type gulped.
"Tharn..... This is there bathroom.....stop.... Wait til we go home."
Tharn licked types ear, to lean back, the two looked to another.
"That fact, has never stopped us before."
Tharn smiled deviously.
Since that one time on pichai's birthday, the two have used there bathroom for make out sessions and to make love.
Type signed.
"I didn't like those other times. What is this? The 12th? This is probably where they....."
Tharn then made type sit to the edge, he wrapped his arms around, widening his eyes.
"With all those moans, I highly doubt, you didn't like it. Also..... What you pulled at your graduation, this should be easier."
Types ears turned red.
"Once I saw you, I just couldn't control myself...." Type mubbled hanging his head.
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Well..... You couldn't control it then.....I can't control it now."
Tharn moved his face down, to then lay his lips to types to move his face up, for them to kiss deeply.
Hearing a click, they both looked back.
Pichai went in, to open the door wide, he shook his head seeing there embrace.
"You two...... How could you? You know Bai and I....."
Bai went to pichai, to grab his wrist to then pull him away to go back to close the door, hand to his eyes.
"Didn't see anything. Hurry up you two."
Bai closed the door.
Type placed his embarrassed head to tharns chest.
"Oh my God!"
Tharn hugged type to laugh.
Type took a deep breathe in to push him away to then leave. Tharn stayed back to continue to laugh.
Going to the living room, type sat to the couch to grab his cup to down. Taking it away, he groaned in disgust, this was the first time he was having alcohol and it was gross.
Pichai eyed type, to shake his head.
Min and yer were to the music, looking to another, talking with smiles.
Bai was to the chair, head hung, drinking, he didn't want to get into it.
Pichai however could not contain himself.
Leaning back, he placed his arm around types shoulder to get comfortable.
"So....... How many times.... Have you and tharn fucked in our...."
Bai looked up quick, to hit him, playfully on the knee. He looked to him to bring his cup to his mouth to sip.
Yer and min looked to another to sip there drinks to snicker.
Types ears turned bright red.
"Eeer, I'm so sorry pichai...... It won't happen again."
Pichai turned his head to look to type, who tensed to look with shyness and embarrassment to his empty cup.
Pichai looked to it to see it was empty, he leaned up to grab more.
Type made a face.
"I don't think I like whiskey."
Pichai went to his ear.
"I see you have never had drunken. Sex with your man, trust me, drink up. It'll be a thrill."
Types eyes widen.
He looked to pichai to play his game.
"That's actually how our relationship started."
Pichai leaned back to laugh.
"Who started it you or him? Who was drunk?"
Tharn then came out of the bathroom to grab pichai's arm to raise it looking to him. Bai looked to tharn to smile, to them turn his head to sip at his cup.
Served you right pichai. Shouldn't touch others and ask such questions.
Min and yer then went to go sit down, still looking to another.
"I was drunk. Your friend here took advantage of me. In a very incredible way. Something you have probably never done to yours."
Bai laughed in his drink. Pichai eyes furrowed to take his wrist away.
He then looked to Bai.
"Really! Why are you laughing?!"
The two then started to playfully bicker.
Tharn looked to type to wink.
Type smiled.
Moving forward, he grabbed tharns cup.
"Okay okay okay. Let's all settle. And please forget."
Type elbowed pichai in the ribs, he kept his eyes to Bai.
"Wait til every one leaves."
Bai rolled his eyes.
"Keep drinking pichai."
"Mmm..... That's a good idea."
Has pichai poured more, Bai got up to get food he stopped to turn to eye pichai.
He looked up with a devious smile
Pichai slapped his rear.
Shaking his head bai went to the kitchen.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"Well other then pichai's, vulger mouth. I am so happy to have known you all and become friends with every last one of you. So happy we all graduated."
Min smiled wide. Yer elbowed him in the arm with a smile.
"Told you type thought of you has his friend."
Type hearing yer, looking to min to nod
"That I do. Even though we have had a..... Bad start up."
"Yeah him being your first...."
Pichai's eyes widen has bai came back to sit in his lap, to shove some cheese in his mouth.
"Pichai I love you but, shut up."
They all laugh.
Pichai chewed the food to lay his mouth to bais face. It lit up pink..
"Well, I am happy we all have made it. Also everyone here, has made it with there boyfriend's."
Type turned his body to hold tharns hand, the two smiled.
Type turned his head to look over his friends, who either were on the other or were holding hands.
"Even though we graduated, I hope we can still all hang out like this and have lots of fun. Can't believe we all made it."
Shallowing his food, pichai raised his cup and everyone else did too.
"To the gay club."
They all laughed.
"To the gay club."
They all smacked there cups together, to look at there partners.
Awhile later, being a bit of a light weight, tharn had types arm over his shoulder to the door, looking to Bai and pichai.
Yer and min were looking to another.
Yer got up to go to the bathroom to motion with his head.
Mins eyes widen to look to the other couples to then get up to go to yer.
"Thank you very much for having us over."
"Your not driving are you?"
Tharn shook his head..
"No I'm not. Have a taxi downstairs."
Pichai who swayed a bit, looked back, not seeing yer and min he groaned to go to the kitchen to grab something.
Bai and tharn looked to him.
"I swear..... They better not......"
Going to the bathroom he unlocked the door, to see yer have pushed min to the wall to kiss.
Pichai rolled his eyes.
"God damn it! This is where bai and I have had sex! This is not for everyone to fuck in! Damn it!"
Bai looked to tharn.
"You two should go. I need to handle this. I only had a bit. Thank you for coming. Bye."
Tharn laughed to turn them about to leave.
Bai got the situation handled and had yer and min go home, to then push an angery pichai to the bed.
He straddled to place pichai's hands to either side of his head.
"Mmm, time for me..... To take advantage of you and shut that vulger mouth of yours up."
Pichai smiled wide.
"Ah yes.....I want it all....."
Bai leaned down to kiss pichai.
Yer and min only had to walk, they went straight to there home to make passionate love.
To tharns and types, he had got type undressed except his boxers, he pulled the cover over him, has he was about to turn type grabbed his wrist to look up at him has he sat to the edge.
"Where....mmm..... Are you going?"
"Type..... Your drunk. We can tomorrow."
Type smiled wide, to sit up.
There eyes darted.
"I took advantage over.......mmm..... You when you were drunk....."
Type pulled the covers off to kneel, to then go to tharns shirt to unbutton, his eyes stayed to the action.
"I...... Want you to..... Take advantage of this graduate, I want to know...... hiccup...... What pichai was saying....."
Tharn placed his hands to types to stop the action, type swayed a bit to look to tharn.
He signed .
"Type.... Your drunk..... It's not right..... We can tomorrow...."
Types face fell to pout.
Taking his hands away he laid the other way to take his boxers off, eyes to tharn. His widen
"This..... Isn't fair..... Take care of your man tharn..... Don't be mean....."
Tharn shook his head looking to his erection.
"But your....."
Type leaned up, to wrap his arms around his neck, to pull him down. He hovered.
"Thaaaaarn......... Please....... Make Love to me....." Type pouted even more.
Tharn chuckled, to take his hands back to take types, to place them bound into one above his head to take his other hand to his pants to unbutton to unzip.
Type smiled wide.
Type wrapped his legs around tharns waist.
"I really hope..... Tomorrow you won't be mad at me for....."
Type leaned up to place his lips to his to then flop back to shake his head.
"I won't be...... I'm not that drunk.....I just want you..... Please....."
Tharn spat in his hand to look his erection to go slowly in.
Type lifted his head back to moan heavily.
"Aaaaah I love you tharn! Mmm thank you...."
Tharn thrusted with a smile to place his lips to his neck.
"I love you too type. Going to.....mmm.... Fill you up tonight...."
"Aaaaah........I want that.....I want you....mmm....."
The two made love all night, the next morning type wasn't even mad, he also wasent blacked out drunk, he knew what was going on but tharn did have to take care of his hangover boyfriend.

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