just wished to sleep

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Back to first break up
Min walked in haste, with tears streaming down his face, wipping them away has fast has he could, to get onto a bus to go home.
Once there, he went in to take his back pack off to throw it to the side.
Walking in a bit of a daze he went to his room, to go to the floor.
Him and yer had made love in his bed.
To the floor,he had taken down 2 pillows and a blanket to be too his side, weeping.
He couldn't believe they were really over, min couldn't believe yer had actually liked type and asked him out.
Hearing things of the past, min placed his hands over his ears to whimper.
"Mmmm.......go away.....just go away!"
He sniffled.
I......deserve this.....shouldn't have pursued him, shouldn't have tried to be happy.......yer.....I'm so sorry.....I'm too damaged for you....
Feeling a vibration in his pants.
Min took a hand down to place it back to see yer was calling.
"I'm.....sorry.....yer.....i love you....but.....we can't be together anymore......you deserve someone better then me...."
Taking the phone battery out, min threw his phone to the wall,to place the blanket over his head.
He didn't know how long he had been under there but mins stomach growled.
Up, min hung his head in depression.
Going to the kitchen, mins school uniform was disheveled but he didn't care.
Over the stove, he started to cook something simple.
Wishing for water, his mother got up to go to the kitchen, she jumped when she saw min making something to eat.
"Min? What are you doing up so late? Its 2am."
Min didn't move nor notice she was there.
Cocking her head to the side, she went forth to place a hand to his shoulder. Still no reaction.
"Min....." She slightly shook.
Min blinked rapidly, to turn his head to eye her.
Her eyes widen has he placed his arms around her to hug tight. Tears came down.
She hugged back a bit confused.
"Min.....are you sleep walking? What is going on?"
"Yer and i........broke up......"
She signed apologetically.
"Oh min.....it'll be okay......"
She rubbed his back.
After awhile, she went back to bed and min ate in a daze.
To his room, he laid to his side, starring at the wall, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't go to sleep.
Looking up, he saw it was 330.
Signing, he got up to go to his mothers medicine cabinet.
Grabbing a sleep bottle, he stood there to eye. He didn't like to take medication, however he had school the next day and he needed to sleep.
Gulping, he took half a pill, he looked himself over in the mirror.
Going to his bedroom, the pill did not do anything.
The next day, he sat to the classroom, head to his hand, he was nodding out.
Looking to the side, the classroom started to fill, yer didn't look to him but to his friends to smile and laugh.
Min sat a bit up confused with this deamonor.
He looked to min for a moment, to then sit where pichai usually sat.
Min turned his head to hang.
Of course he quickly moved on min, you two didn't date for a large amount of time.
I'm.....happy for him.
Min placed his head to his hand to hold back the tears.
Everyday,min saw yer seemed to be happy and joyful in class. Min started to wonder if What they had was real, if yer truly loved him or was he substitute for type.
So everyday, he had thoughts swirl then Every night was a different story. Min still couldn't sleep. He kept taking half a pill, by Wednesday he took a full pill. Still nothing, he didn't know why. He would become drowsy, but couldn't sleep.
Min also had bad nightmares of the past. Breaking up brought back what he did and what those boys did to him.
By friday, he kept the pill bottle with him.
At lunch, he finally fell to sleep, but it was in class. Hearing yer with his friends, min woke from his arm to keep his head hung. He was exhausted.
His eyes widen when he heard pichai say that he set him up on a date. It hadent been long since they broke up.
Guess....we really didn't mean anything......
Min took a deep breathe in to stand to stumble, he couldn't really feel his legs.
He saw they all looked to him.
"I'm sorry......sorry....."
Min wobbled to the bathroom.
Placing his hands to the sink, he hung his head, swaying a bit.
"I'm......so....happy for you.....yer......."
Min stumbled back, head hung to grab the pill bottle.
Bringing it to his face, his eyes were a bit blurry, he didn't know how many he had placed in his palm.
"Mmm....just....need....to sleep...."
Swaying, min lifted his head back to consume, not knowing he had 6 pills.
Swallowing, his head turned to the side, yer had come in to smack the pill bottle to the floor, they went everywhere.
"Yer....what are you...."
Moving them to the stall, yer placed his fingers down mins throat his eyes widen to place his head in the toilet to throw up.
Yer was to the side, rubbing his back has he threw up the medication.
Yer was shaking his head.
"What the hell min!"
After, min, moved to the other side of the stall, has yer did the same, min kept his head hung, Back of his hand to his mouth, yer kept his eyes to him looking him in anger.
"What the hell are you doing! Are you trying to kill yourself?"
Min opened his eyes to take a deep breathe.
He couldn't control himself.
Min went to yer, to hold, head turned to his chest.
Yer kept his arms to the side. This was breaking he's heart.
"Min.......i need to take you to the hospital....."
Mins eyes widen to go back to kneel.
There eyes darted.
"Yer.....please No.......they'll put me on suicide watch......they'll tell my parents.....please....yer...."
Min hung his head.
"I....wasent trying to kill myself.....I I'm just so tired.....the nightmares.....there back and in full swing......I'm sorry yer.....so sorry....please no hospital......"
Yer gritted his teeth to sit up, to place his hand to either side of mins face to watch the tears come down.
He took a deep breathe in.
"If......i don't take you....then.....we need to go right now to your house.....you need to let me watch over you for 72 hours, I'll be your suicide watch."
Min eyes darted.
"Yer.....you really don't have too.....I'll be fine...."
Yer shook his head.
"That's the deal, either i take you home and watch over you or i take you to the hospital. Take your pick."
Min signed.
"I......just want to go home...."
Yer nodded to take his hands down.
"Mmm....stay here for a moment."
Rushing, yer picked up the medication to throw it away to run to there lockers to grab the back packs.
To the bathroom, min was to the stall, head to the side, asleep.
Yer, kneeling, went to min to lightly slap him.in the face.
Min breathed in deep, to turn his head to open his eyes looking to yer questinally.
Yer smiled.
"Come on, let's go home."
Min smiled, he liked the sound of that.
Wrapping his arm around his shoulder, yer helped min up to take him to his house.

my brothers best friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें