mentally preparing

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The weekend was a horrible thing. Type stayed upstairs, to only go down when He was hungry. Noi laid to the couch to talk to tharn confiding in him with what was going on. Type couldn't handle it. After type put back his phone, he looked to see his text was read, but tharn never responded.
To type, he understood. It was just an arrangement nothing else. Type didn't know how he was going to go about when tharn started to come back around again but when he did, type might be dating yer by that time.
By Sunday, when type went down he shook his head. Noi and chu was to the couch, in a close embrace. She told noi she was worried about getting pregnant, they needed to slow down a bit. Noi understood so they were going to slow things down.
Getting his food, type then went back to his room for the night. Noi and chu made him feel mad at the world and its unfairness.
To his bed, he laid to his back mentally preparing for tomorrow. His plan was to tell yer yes and try dating him, even though he didn't have no feelings for him. Type felt a bit bad for that, yer and him had been friends for the last 3 year's, he deserved better.
Sighing, he turned to look to the wall feeling his heart break.
I.....still love you tharn.....probably always will......I'm still at least be your friend.
Closing his eyes, tears went down his face, type also clutched his phone to his chest, wishing tharn would text him.
The next morning, type took a shower and dressed himself in his school uniform.
Looking himself over, this was a new day for him.
Sighing, he turned to part with his back pack. Noi actually took him to school. The whole day went pretty quick and type could tell there was something going on between his two friends bai and pichai. They wouldn't sit together in class which was not normal. Pichai kept looking to bai who kept his head down sitting next to type.
When the teacher had there back turned, pichai wrote a note for type to give it to bai.
Tapping his shoulder with it, bai looked up to eye it to take it. Still folded, he shook his head to tear it apart to place the remains to the side, to put his head in his hand looking to the teacher with no expression.
Type looked to pichai to shrug. He moved his body forward to sign keeping his head down.
Type looked to him confused then to bai.
What is going on with these two?
After, they all sat to there normal table, but there was nothing normal about it.
Bai sat next to type, head down writing. Pichai sat next to yer, looking to bai with narrowed eyes, head in his hand.
Yer and type looked to them then to each other.
Bouncing his leg under the table bai had enough.
He looked up to eye yer then type.
"Mmm.....i.....know we're on a deadline but.....i need to go. My apologizes. Yer i will send completed part via email tonight."
Bai stood to place his stuff in his back.
Type looked to bai with wide eyes. That was really not normal.
Pichai leaned back to scoff.
"Thinking of yourself i see...."
Bai stopped and yer, type looked to pichai.
Bai's eyes darted, kept his head hung to place the remainder in.
" pichai!"
Everyones eyes widen.
Bai then turned to leave.
Pichai automatically got up to follow.
"Sorry......have to deal with.....mmmm...."
Placing all his stuff in, he went After him.
Type and yer looked to another.
"What was that all about?" Type questioned.
Yer made a face.
Type looked him over.
" know?"
"Yea......bai.....told me this morning what happened during the weekend, when i questioned him. He was crying type. Pichai......really is the worse. What he did to him......was not right."
Type leaned over to listen.
"Go on....."
Yer's eyes darted.
"Mmmm don't know if i should tell you.....bai sworn me to not tell anyone."
Type nodded to lean back.
"He.....didn't hit bai did he or...."
Yer's eyes opened wide.
"No.......nothing like that, just.....bai did something for pichai and he......just didn't act right after......"
Types eyes widen.
"Um.....did they?"
Yer hung his head.
"I.....already said more then enough, you have to talk to them....sorry Type...."
Type shook his head.
This is what he liked about yer. His kindness he showed for his friends and keeping things to himself.
Looking to yer, he had his head hung writing, type really looked him over. Could i fall in love with him, even though i am so in love with tharn? Could i really go out with him? Move on with him by my side?
Type signed to look down.
He stood to pack his things. Yer looked up at him.
"I'm......going to leave too. I'll email you later."
Parting, type looked back to see yer had gotten a hold of him.
Type turned, to look at yer. He let his arm go to take a step back, with a smile he held up a book type forgot.
"You will need this to complete our work."
Type nodded to grab the book to then open his back pack to place it in.
He looked to yer, he had a smile.
"Remember to email me your portion tonight so i can place them all together."
Type nodded.
Yer then turned for type to step forward to grab his hand to make a face. He still didn't feel anything, type took a deep breathe in.
Yer turned to look to type, eyeing there hands being held to then look to type with shock and surprise.
"Um yer.....i have an answer to your confession."
Yer fully turned to look to type wide eyed, lips parted.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"My answer is......"
Then they both looked to the side to see Tharn standing between them, looking to type then to them holding hands. He started to breathe heavily, his brows furrowed in anger to step to them, to push yer down to the ground.
Yer looked up confused.
Type looked to him and yer.
"Tharn! What the hell! Yer are you...."
Type tried to go to yer, just for tharn to grab him by his wrist to pull him along.
Type looked to the back of tharn with anger.
"What the hell tharn! What is the matter with you! That's my friend! How could you! Why are you even here! The arrangement we had is over! I know you know they are back together, i am not your toy! Even though i started this, i also ended it! Now Let go! Your hur...."
Going to a secluded place, tharn turned around to pull type in for a kiss. Types eyed widen.

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