nothing more

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songs- yeah right by joji

Tired. That's what you were. It was always hard to place how you felt, but you finally settled on the feeling of tiredness.

That was before George came along.

He changed your life, in the short month you had known him, he made such an impact on you. Everyone noticed, even your viewers and fans. You were more energetic, and it wasn't a mask, it was what you really felt.

The colors felt more vibrant when you heard his voice, which was ironic and pretty cheesy, but you didn't care. Loving him was the best decision of your life, even if you wanted to fight it.

You had always felt like a whole person, never really wanting someone else to try and complete you. But George never tried to complete you, he just wanted to bring out the best parts of you.


You blushed as Wilbur finished his song he wrote for you. It was an upbeat silly song about being in love with an e-girl. He wasn't in love with you, both of you knew that, but you guys were still very close.

"Encore!" you said while giggling.

He grinned, "Alright, alright, maybe next stream."

George sort of sat there awkwardly during the whole thing. He wouldn't say out loud that he was jealous, but you always reassured him that he was your favorite. After all, you met most of the guys through George.

"Hey, when are you gonna write a song like that for me?" you asked with a grin.

"Shut up, y/n " he said slightly quieter than usual.

Wilbur took the opportunity, like usual, to start teasing George.

"If you don't make a move soon, she's gonna fall for me," he said with a wink.

George simply rolled his eyes, "Sureeee, we're already married and our minecraft beds are together in every smp."

You did that little half sigh, half laugh, and opened you phone to text Sapnap and ask if he wanted to play. He quickly responded and said that he was busy, but he'd love to in maybe an hour.

Shooting him a quick "for sure mamas" text, you returned to the game. You had been zoning out while texting Sapnap and didn't realize the boys starting arguing.

"Well I'm sure y/n think's I'm the better singer." Wilbur claimed.

"But we've been friends for longer!" George whined.

"Boys, boys... we all know I like cuddling with George more."

George grinned and laughed, while Wilbur pretended to act hurt and held a hand to his chest.

You just smiled and shook your head, but noticed George's smile falter a bit. (idk how to explain this but you were watching his stream on another computer)

"You good George?"

He coughed a little, "Yeah, why?"

"No reason."

Wilbur sat there just a little confused, per usual.

You tried masking up the awkwardness and started to wrap up your stream, and the boys started to do the same.

Wilbur left the call first, so you and George stayed for a little but just chatting. Somehow the conversation had shifted to hanging out, and of course that converged to one of you visiting the other.

"Would you rather visit me or the other way around," you asked slightly nervous.

He thought for a second and then answered pretty confidently, "I'd rather you visit me, that way I can show you around the city and we can go to the little secret places that only I know about!"

George sounded so proud about that, that you couldn't help but softly smile.

"I-I'd... that sounds fun."

He couldn't help but be a little disappointed at your reaction, slightly hoping you would be more enthusiastic, but it was okay.

"Hey, we could go see Wilbur and the others too!" you said trying to lighten the mood.

George winced a little, for some reason hearing you talk about how you wanted to visit Wilbur just stung him a little, but of course he would never say anything.

"Yeah, and we could film a vlog or something!" he exclaimed excitedly, masking his disappointment.

You sighed wistfully, maybe a little too dramatic to let George know you couldn't wait.

"If only I could just teleport to you, life would be so much easier."

He didn't quite know what to say to that, but he agreed.

"Well it was really fun! The stream was great and I'm still waiting for your song to me, see ya Georgy-poo!"

"Hahaha", he gave a deadpan laugh, "that's never happening y/n , but have a goodnight."

You giggled softly and left the call, fixing Ai some dinner and grabbing a couple grapes for yourself. You grabbed a glass of water as well before going over to your sink and quickly washing your face. Normally you streamed late at night, with a hoodie and shorts or sweatpants on, so you were already changed for bed.

Ai had followed you around your apartment, waiting until you finally got into bed to jump up into your arms. You laughed as she crawled all over you, finally settling right on top of your chest. You had to pry her off, not quite tired so you wanted to put on some music.

There was a TV in your room, so you navigated the remote and opened Spotify, for no apparent reason shuffling play on your "kinda sad" playlist. A few songs came up and you skipped, before *yeah right* came on. A classic, one of your favorites.

You flopped into bed laying on your back as you turned the volume up.

It wasn't long before you started thinking of him.

I'ma fuck up my life
I'ma fuck up my life
We gon' party all night
She don't care if I die

You wondered if he would care if you died. Not in a super morbid way, you just wanted to know how quickly he would get over you.

Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah, I bet you won't cry
Yeah, I bet you won't cry
But you know I don't mind
But you know I don't mind

You just wanted him to cry over you. You wanted him to care about you. You wanted him to love you.
But you kept telling yourself he didn't.

Even though he did.

Yeah, you bet I know that ain't never give a single fuck about me

None of your relationships went well. You had only been in two and both of them had cheated on you.

They never gave a single fuck about you,
so why should he?

Yeah, you bet I know that we ain't never gonna be together, I'll see

You knew that you would never be together. In your mind it was simple, he only liked you as a friend. You were stubborn like that I guess, but there was still a tiny part of you that wanted there to be something more.

You continued to sing along to the words, long after Ai had fallen asleep curling up next to your back. You tried to move her without waking her up, but no luck. She ran away to her little dog bed, and you curled up under the covers, forcing yourself to be content without him for yet another night.

he makes everything so much warmer

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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