Chapter 1

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Alpha Hunter McCoy looked across at the lands his pack lived on as he stood on the highest peak, watching as the sunset lowered beyond the horizon. The majestic sight calmed the restless spirit of his wolf.

"If you're contemplating suicide, you should probably consider an unorthodox method." The familiar sound of his brother's voice filled the silence. Hunter glanced back to see the tall, broad figure of his brother standing off to the side with his arms folded and a grin upon his rugged face. "What is it now?"

Logan moved to stand beside him. "Is that anyway to greet your brother when all he brings is good news?" His brother grinned at him before continuing, "We bought up the last land surrounding the pack. They gave the go ahead for our project." Hunter felt relief flooding his system. The pack will finally have new grounds on which to hunt and grow their families.

"I heard you're terrorizing omegas daily, barking impossible orders at them."

He hated to admit it, but he was more on edge than usual. Many of his wolves avoided him. "You've been speaking to Colton then."

"I have. Our younger brother believes you are closer to the edge than you are letting on. Is he correct in his concerns?"

Hunter felt his anger rise to a boiling point. "It seems you all sit around and discuss me. If you want to replace me as Alpha, you know what to do."

Logan's gaze faltered as he fumbled over his next words. "We are only concerned, brother. The whole pack stands with you. We understand that losing Eliza and your unborn child has been hard."

"How can you understand?" He said oh so quietly, seething with inner rage at this point, as he turned towards his eldest brother. No one would ever understand what he felt. "You have not found a mate, brother and Colton has a mate and two healthy pups he gets to embrace every day."

Logan looked annoyed, folding his arms over his massive chest. We are not your enemies, but we understand your pain. The pack shares your grief through the bond," breathing deeply, he continued, "and if I had any chance of having a mate. I would cherish every second of the time we spend together, because any time with them is better than this agonizing empty feeling I feel every day I wake up."

Hunter knew he pushed his brother too far, but if he allowed all of his emotions loose through the bond, the pack would think him a monster and maybe he was one. His brothers were trying to put out the fires caused by his rage. He was Alpha and causing harm to those under his protection went against the natural order. Closing his eyes, he stared off into the distance once again. "What do you advise?"

"Time." Logan said, slowly running a hand through his long dark hair. "Time to grieve Hunter. You haven't allowed yourself enough of that."

"Life must continue brother, besides I have no choice in this. You never wanted it, and Colton wasn't born for it." Sometimes he wished that things were different.

"We will do it together, but we can no longer watch our beloved brother suffering in this way. The pack needs you at your best."

Hunter hated to admit it, but he needed a break. His duties were all he had, yet he could no longer hide behind them. The guilt ate at him and getting away from it all for a while might be good for both him and his wolf. I will think about this matter, brother, and now I wish to run." Shedding his human form, Hunter became the large white wolf he kept just under the surface. They were one and the same being, but separate in consciousness without the one the other could not live. The wolf didn't deal with human emotions, like grief and loss. Every day, he took the form of his wolf more and more. He was walking a fine line too much in his wolf's skin and he could get trapped that way forever. Feral. He stretched in his wolf form, his snow-white coat a rarity of his kind, stood in stark contrast to the dark forest behind him. Lifting his head, he let out a soulful sound as he howled. His ears perked up as his pack answered.

"Do not follow!" He projected the thought because human speech just wasn't possible in the form he was in, instead his kind used telepathy to communicate thoughts. His brother nodded in understanding, giving him the space, he needed. Where he's going, he doesn't need his brother to follow not now not ever. His sleek form moved swiftly through the forest. The tension he felt eased as he slowed his pace and sat down under the old oak tree his grandfather had planted for his grandmother. He watched the clearing before him, silently studying the scene before him. This was where his territory ended. The cabin before him belonged to a human named Jon Stewart. He hasn't seen Jon in a while, yet the cabin was lit up. The cobwebs removed, and they had cleared the surrounding area. Someone has been staying here. The road and the grounds the cabin are on were considered neutral ground between the Ulf pack lands and his own lands known as the Shadow pack lands. He looked across to the other side and sniffed. Asher, Ash to his friends. The Ulf pack Alpha had to be doing the same thing he was.

"Alpha Ragnulf." He greeted.

"Alpha McCoy. What brings you here?" The amused sound of his voice put Hunter at ease, and he knew that the other Alpha came for the same reason he did. They were both looking for a good fight tonight. Rogues thought the cabin was fair game. They didn't belong in a pack, so they hunted on human territory, sometimes they even hunted humans. Both packs would always protect Stewart's, which is why his wolf needs to be here. "I'm here for the same reason you are, I suspect. When did Jon get back?"

"Take another whiff brother that's not Jon in there."

Hunter cocked his head in confusion, then placed his nose in the air and picked up an unfamiliar, yet pleasant, feminine scent. A female Stewart. It can't be. This was no place for a woman on her own. Surely Jon had to be with her. He looked towards the other Alpha and watched as Ash moved into the clearing, the clouds departed and revealed the full moon shinning above.

"Want to see her?" Ash looked up and let out a low howl before Hunter could agree, his sleek black coat looking almost blue under the moons glow as he hid behind a tree blending with the shadows once more. Both looked towards the door as it opened slowly revealing a female clad in a white sheer nightgown, her hair as black as an onyx stone, framed a very feminine face in waves of silk. Hunter couldn't believe the site before him, the beauty she possessed must surely mean she's taken and yet he scented no male. Without a second thought he moved towards her. Her green eyes, slightly tilted at the corners widened at his approach but she continued to regard him calmly. He tried telling himself that he didn't miss a woman's touch yet knew that he would do anything for hers. Her arms folded over her chest drawing his attention towards them, plump and full. Her lush curves inviting a man's touch and lips made for pleasure.

"You going to just stare at her, like some young pup?" Ash sounded both amused and impatient his words cutting through the haze of lust Hunter felt as he kept his gaze focused upon the women before him. She seemed to be waiting patiently for his next move.

"What should I do introduce myself, what if she doesn't know about us Ash?" He didn't want to scare her. He wanted to worship her and protect her against anyone and everyone. He shook his head trying to make sense of what he felt. Guilt clawed at him and had him backing away from her.

"The pull must be strong. Congratulations brother!"


"It's obvious you idiot she's your hjarta." Ash slipped into his native old Norse tongue. Hunter froze his heart beating faster and louder than before confirmed Asher's words. Letting out a loud soulful howl he sprinted back into the darkened forest. He feared he no longer had anything left to give a woman. He had dishonored his true mate by taking another, that shame and guilt ate at him daily now that he finally found her, he no longer felt worthy.

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