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Amelia drove him to school the next morning. She worked in a second-hand shop in town.
"Do you want me to go inside with you?" She asked as she parked the yellow minivan in front of the school.

"Absolutely not!" Harry answered with big eyes.

"Too cool to be seen with your aunt huh?" Amelia chuckled.

"Of course not! It's just..." Harry started to explain but Amelia cut him off.

"Relax sweetheart. I get it! Have a great day now and call me if you need me." Amelia smiled.

Harry took a deep breath.
"Okay, thanks! Bye!"

He got out of the car and sorted out his outfit before he headed for the school looking for the administration office. He introduced himself to the lady behind the desk.
"Welcome to Holmes Chapel high school. I hope you'll like it here. Here are your schedule and your locker combination. Someone will be here shortly to show you around."

A couple of minutes later a short boy with bleached hair came running inside.
"Sorry, sorry, Mr. Clarkson overran English class as usual. I swear that man doesn't know how a clock works."

"Mr. Horan, meet Mr. Styles." The woman behind the desk said before she went back to her paperwork.

The boy smiled friendly.
"Welcome, I'm Niall."

"I'm Harry."

"Interesting outfit you got there." Niall grinned.

Harry immediately got defensive.
"Do you have a problem with it?"

Niall looked surprised.
"No! Of course not. Pink is cool. Come on, I'm supposed to show you around."

They walked out from the administration office side by side.
"You're Irish?" Harry asked.

"What gave me away? My leprechaun outfit?" Niall smirked.

Harry chuckled lightly.
"I lived in Dublin for nine years. My mum is still there."

"No way! That's awesome!" Niall said excitedly.

"Yeah, not really." Harry snorted.

Niall glanced at him.
"You didn't like it?"

"Ireland is great. The people in my school not so much." Harry answered, not knowing why he told a stranger this but Niall was really easy to talk to.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully, we'll treat you better here. So what locker number did you get?" Niall said with a smile.

"628." Harry answered after he looked at the note he got.

"Great! Then our lockers are almost next to each other! This way." Niall said and pointed to their left.

Harry found his locker and tried the combination to see that it worked.
"So, I checked your schedule beforehand. We have almost all classes together so stick with me today." Niall said as they walked down the hall.

They passed a cute boy leaned against a wall. Harry couldn't help but check him out. He was dressed in black skinny jeans that were ripped by the knees, a white t-shirt that showed off a chest tattoo, and a black leather jacket. He had a lip piercing and his hair was in a messy fringe, pushed to the side. He was freaking hot!

All of a sudden the boy looked up and they locked eyes. There was something familiar about those blue eyes. The boy grimaced and walked away.
"Who's that?" Harry asked Niall when they were out of hearing distance.

Niall turned around to see who he was referring to.
"Oh, Tommo. Don't mind him. He's a bit rebellious. Had to repeat a year. He keeps to himself."

"He doesn't have friends?" Harry asked, feeling sorry for him. He knew how it was to be alone.

"He doesn't want any. He's not a nice person Harry. Forget about him." Niall answered dismissively just as they reached their classroom.

Harry followed Niall around between their classes and when it was time for lunch Niall took him to the cafeteria and invited him to sit with him and his friends Liam and Zayn. Harry felt really grateful. Being the kid that always ate by themselves was bad.

Liam and Zayn were both friendly and they didn't as much as raise an eyebrow when they noticed his outfit or his pink nails. He loved them for it. They seemed genuinely interested to get to know him and he answered their questions and made small talk.

Half through lunch he got this nagging feeling that someone was staring at him. He looked up and immediately met those blue eyes again. Tommo was sitting at a table by himself and he was staring at him. Harry smiled at him but the boy just wrinkled his eyebrows before he finally looked away. Harry watched him get up and leave the cafeteria. He shrugged it off and concentrated on the three boys around the table instead.
"Where do you live Harry?" Liam asked.

"I moved in with my aunt Amelia. We live on a farm just outside town." Harry answered.

"Not that hippie commune right?" Zayn questioned.

Harry chuckled.
"Actually yeah. My aunt is something of a free spirit but she's great. So are the rest of the people living on the farm."

"I think it sounds kind of cool. Right guys?" Niall grinned.

"I guess." Liam answered and smiled. Zayn looked skeptical.

"I have my own place above the garage. It's great!" Harry explained.

"You got a place to yourself? That's freaking awesome! I vote for going home with Harry today and hang at his bachelor pad!" Niall grinned.

"Sounds cool." Liam agreed.

"Sure." Zayn answered.

"Oh, I have to ask my aunt but I'm sure it's fine." Harry said a bit nervously.

"Come on! Call her and ask!" Niall encouraged.

Harry stared at him for a second before he managed to get his phone from his pocket. He called Amelia who answered right away.
"Harry, what's wrong? Is someone giving you a hard time? Who do I have to punch?"

"I'm fine Amelia. I was just wondering if it's okay if I bring some ehm, friends, over after school?" Harry asked and rolled his eyes at the guys.

"Boyfriend?" Amelia chuckled.


"I'm just messing with you. Of course, you can have friends over. Do you want me to pick you up after school? How many friends are we talking about? Do I need to rent a bigger bus?" Amelia asked.

"Three. Wait." Harry held his hand over the speaker. "She wants to know if she should pick us up after school?"

Zayn, Liam, and Niall nodded their heads.
"You can pick us up at three." Harry informed his aunt.

"Great! And Harry? I'm glad you made friends." Amelia said, sounding happy.

"Me too. See you later." Harry smiled and hung up.

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