Physics, Christmas and Parents

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'Beep, beep' my alarm blared. The moonlight seeped through the blinds. Another boring day at St Vladimir Academy. I dragged out of bed, showered and got dressed.

The hallways were decorated with decorations.

"What's going on?" I asked Adrianne during breakfast.

"Mate, you get A++ on everything..."

I cut her off," Except behaviour"

She chortled," True, but don't the Christmas decor give anything off."

I looked around, "I'm dumb."

"I doubt that, but our parents are coming to visit"

"Yass! But that would cause quite the commotion"

Adrianne is the daughter of the Moroi queen, Vasilisa Dragomir and me, Lena is the daughter of tow badass guardians- Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov. They are the only dhampir couple to have a kid, soooooo yeah.

I am a Supreme. My senses and physical abilities are five times better than that of an average dhampir. I'm not the only one though, my adoptive cousin, Declan, is one too. His parents are Neil Raymond and his mother, though now deceased, is Olive Sinclair.

"When are our parents coming?" I asked.

"After the first period."

"Yasss!!! Then Dad can be here for practice."

"Hello, freak," Adrianne and I turned to be face to face with Miron and Melina, the Rinaldi twins. They were both water using Moroi, making Christmas my worst nightmare.

"What do you want?" I sighed, standing up to grab a double glazed chocolate coconut doughnut.

"Oh, I just thought you'd be thirsty" Miron stated, then on cue, Melina shot a blast of water from the cup Adrianne was about to drink from. This was just daily practice, so I just hand-springed away.

After they had left, Adrianne said, "The first period is cancelled for the prep of the visit, your parents will be holding the sparring classes and before you ask, Guardians Steele and Tanner will be on my parents. Also lets study for that Physics Test we have in the second period."

"WE HAVE A PHYSICS TEST!!!!!!???????."

"Yup."(very calm compared to Lena)

"Life is cruel"

So we spent the entire first period studying, stopping every now and then to pick outfits. I ended up wearing a white blouse, black jeans and boots along with a black duster my dad had gotten me for my birthday. Adrianne wore an off-shoulder, knee-length baby pink dress.

When we had arrived in the hall, a red carpet had been rolled out with an ornated chair at the front.

"Do we go straight to Physics after?" I whisper to Adrianne as we take our respective seats.

"Yup, and try to stay off the parent radar at the same time," she replied.

Parents are embarrassing. My dad has the world's strongest bear hugs and me, being a Supreme, can't withstand them. Long story short, against my papa's papa bear hugs, I'm useless.

During the little welcoming, Mum & Dad flashed me a grin. I gave them my signature crooked smile in return. When it was done and dusted with, Adrianne and I shot out of our seats and bolted for the hall's double doors. Adrianne is a fire user, so she made up for the speed with little rocket boosters. I stopped. I sensed the slightest of twitches.

"HOLY SHIT" Vines overwhelmed us. While I was ripping the vines, Adrianne was burning them without luck. I untangled myself and went to help her.

"You're trying to run away from your parents?" The Russian accent so thick in was impossible not to know who it was.

"Please don't try to be a Rose 2.0" royalty rung through the voice.

"Are you trying to give Dimitri a serene life" sarcasm dripped off so thickly it was hard to miss.

"Shut it Pyro. I'll be an exceptionally proud mother if she turns out like me" said a voice that I missed so much I didn't realise.

I'd finished ripping the vines off Adrianne, then we slumped against each other in defeat.

"Operation stay off parent radar is a fail," I announced.

When our parents finally caught up, they just smiled, then Adrianne's dad, Christan (he's my honorary Uncle Crispo) asked"Why were you running?"

"We have a Physics Test and Guardian Alto is supervising" she replied.

"And old man Stan is an uber pain in the ass," I said getting up.

I am Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov's DaughterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu