"Yo, Fei," Phinks calls his attention. "So how did it go?" "So how did what go?" Feitan looks at Phinks like he just grew two heads. "You know, the date?" "That was NEVER a date," Feitan answers harshly and clearly. Phinks take a step back and put his hands up, "Woah, no need to be so cold, Fei." Feitan rolls his eyes, "Drop it." His 'friend' chuckles, "Whatever you say, bud."

Feitan was starting to despise the word, buddy. Sometimes they just annoy the heck out of him. "Boss, I already hacked into the security at the place where the party is hosted." Shalnark hols up his controller in the air, "Excellent job." Chrollo praises with a calm face, "Get the list of guests too, I want to know who will be there." "Already on it."

"Wow, you're fast Shalnark!" (Y/n) says as she takes a bite out of her food. "Thanks, it's really easy. They have a decent security system, but there are some weak spots to it." "Shalnark is such a smartass." Uvo babbles, swallowing his dinner, "Well, I mean, he's Shalnark after all." Pakunoda bumps in. Shalnark rubs his neck sheepishly, "Guys, guys, you're making me all flustered with the comments."

"But it's true!" (Y/n) chimes, "Good thing you're on our side." Nobunaga chuckles. "Feitan, aren't you going to eat?" (Y/n) calls out to the man leaning onto the wall. "Later." "Come on, it's really good. Betcha hungry!" She persuades, "Right, boss?" Chrollo nods his head with a smile, "You seem quite energetic." He points out. (Y/n) swallows her food before speaking, "I guess it's because Feitan confirms that we were buddies!" "Wow, an achievement," Machi speaks with obvious sarcasm. (Y/n) giggles and looks down at her food.

"Mom! Mom! I want (f/f)!" "Alright, alright, want to help me make it?" Her mother picked her up and placed her on the countertop, "Now watch carefully. You do it like this." (Y/n)'s eyes lit up at her mother performed the step, "Can I try?" "Of course go right on ahead." She encouraged her daughter with a warm smile. "If there are leftovers, can we feed it to our backyard buddies?" Her mother laughed, "Of course! I'm sure they would love it."

Like always there were leftovers from (f/f). The mother-daughter pair went into the backyards where birds were waiting near the tree. They immediately flew down and land right beside (y/n)'s mother's foot. "Hello, dear friends. We have some food for you." Her mother places the crumbs in (y/n)'s hand, "Gently. Don't scare them." The bird hopped onto the hand and pecks at the food. It chirped happily, flapping its wing. "Mom... why don't Dad ever stay home?" "He's a busy man. I promise your father will always love you..."

Yea, right... (Y/n) sniffs a little and bit her lips. "Are you okay?" Shizuku places a hand on her shoulder, "Ah! Y-yes! I am..." (Y/n) gobble down the rest of her food, "Just thinking, that's all!" "Alright then. You seem kind of sad." Shizuku says and sits down next to her, "If your past is bothering we can always talk it out." (Y/n) smiles, "You're too kind Shizuku, thanks a lot," She stares down at the empty bowl/plate, "I sometimes forget that you all are murderers."

Everybody stares down at the girl for a second before Franklin breaks it, "You should get some rest, (y/n)." She scratches her head, "Yea, you're right. and can somebody stay with me, I heard there's going to be a storm tonight?" "I think Feitan should stay with you." Uvogin laughs out loud as Feitan mentally slaps himself, "No, I'm busy. Get Pakunoda to do it."

"Hm.. okay! Pakunoda?" Pakunoda closes her eyes, "Sure." "You're the best Paku!" (Y/n) stands up, "Feitan can I have a good night hug." She spreads her arms wide, "No." Her arms fall, "Aw..." "Let's go, (y/n)" "Okay! Good night everyone. Goodnight Fei!" Feitan turns away, "Night." She smiles, knowing her night is already great.

(Y/n) follows Pakunoda to a hotel room on the 3rd floor. It was a little rusty, but a good pat-down of the bed, making sure no bugs are looming around, makes the bed decent enough to sleep in. The paint of the wall is starting to peel and a spider web hidden in the corner. Pakunoda takes a chair and sits down next to the bed as (y/n) gets comfy into bed.

(A/N) - (PTSD warning?)

"Paku, do you know you're like... my second mom?" (Y/n) starts, staring up at the ceiling. "Is that so? I'm honored." Paku crosses her leg and stares at the girl, "Yea! I hope one day I find her..." Paku raises the blanket too (y/n)'s chin, "I'm sure you will. I like to meet your mother one day too." (Y/n) giggles, "I think you guys will get along well." She yawns, "I think so too..." Heavy rain was soon heard around the building. Thunders roar as lightning flashed in the window. (Y/n) squeezed her blanket. Every thunder made her shoulder jump. Mira's undesirable yelling rings through her mind.

She laid there, wide eyes, sweat forming on the back of her neck. It was dark in the room. Lighting would trace the objects here and then. Her heartbeats grew loud and faster. She tries to shake her head and think of Feitan, but the thunder kept on booming in her head. "Mom...?" Paku places her hand on her forehead, "I'm here." The warmth of Pakunoda's hand calms her nerves down. The warmth she hopes never leaves. Her eyelids slowly got heavier as the warmth urges her to rest.

After a while her eyes are fully close, her breath plays with the thunder fading into the background. "Goodnight, (y/n)..."

So while writing the end of this, I realize that I sort of described PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder). For some of you that do not know what PTSD means, it means a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. I don't have PTSD, but if I used PTSD wrong in the chapter, please tell me because I would like to learn how to do it right. :)

Thank you for getting this book to 500 reads, reading this chapter, and being patient with me! I will hopefully next week! (if I'm not being a lazy bumhole)


(Happy Spooky Season!)

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