"Y/n? Anything?" Alicia asked her.

"Wait..One there,but I think Ali's group is heading there too"

"No problem,lets go" Rudy said,running ahead of them,as they followed.

As they ran towards the location they went after,Y/n saw Ali's group there first.

"Guys stop,their infront" Y/n stopped ,informing them.

"Nevermind,he has the intel,lets go"
Y/n immeadiately changed her mindonce she see's Ali grab the intel.

A bullet,was shot by Alicia,heading towards Ali's hand,making him releasing the intel he had in his hand.

Rudy who was nearby caught it.
Before Y/n could ask him to hand it to her,Jet came and flew speedingly towards Rudy.

"watch ou-"

But before Jet could hit Rudy,Mika immediately punched Jet away from them.

Unfortunately,his legs landed by the sensor,bringing out droids to attack them.

Y/n who used Emrys,to sliced the droids,easily had the ones near her done.Wanting to get the intel,a droid suddenly came behind Rudy.

"Rudy watch out! "she warned him.
Rudy reacted too late,having Y/n to cut the droids arm.

"..Thanks" he thanked her shortly.

"No prob" Y/n quickly answered,continuing to attack the other droids.

Out of the blue,the droids fell,stopped from moving.

"Fuh" Kai sighed,relieved.

SPOT quickly warned her about a movement,Ali was heading towards Rudy with his yoyo.

Y/n was too slow to react,causing Rudy to get hit by Ali's yoyo and flying back.The intel that was in his hands was released,and Ali was quick to take it.

"Hey,theif!" Mika yelled,frustrated.

"You guys hold them back,i'll go send intel"Ali said,running towards the forest.

"Ali! Wait!''Moon called for him,but he didn't turn back.

Y/n wanted to run after him,but SPOT stopped her.Jet was heading towards her and Alicia.

"ALICIA DUCK!" Y/n said,both of them quickly ducked dow,avoiding Jet's attack.

Using her shurikens,she controlled them moving towards Jet,making him fall.

Mika and Iman were now competing each other while Alicia was versing Jet.

As Ali was running further,she tugged Rudy.

"Come on,after him" Y/n ordered.
Rudy nodded and ran after him.

While running,Y/n explained him what he had to do.

"As I see,you can camouflage or basically look like a other person"
Y/n said.

"huh,how did you know-?"

"I'll explain that later,but now the plan is..."


Ali was rushing back through the forest,wanting to get to his teammates.

"Ali..." 'iman' called him.He immediately went to her.

"where are the others?" he asked,huffing.

"they..they are injured" 'Iman' said sadly,looking down.

"we have to help them!" Ali said,running.

Before he could get further,shurikens hitted him and he fell.

"huh?'' Ali was confused.

Suddenly cuffs were on both his hands,not allowing him to move.

"But..who will be helping you?" It was Rudy's voice.

Looking back,he saw 'Iman' was now changing to Rudy with his hood on.
Y/n who was hiding on top of the tree,jumped down.She looked over the boy who was the ground.

Rudy controlled him,making Ali now,facing to the ground.

Y/n walked towards him and squated down,taking the intel from his hands.

"Huh..This is IRIS?" Rudy said.
Y/n was slightly offended,by she didn't really care,agreeing of what he said.

Rudy left another pair of his puppet cuffs on Ali's legs,not making him able to move.

Rudy walked away,as he was yelping for help.

Y/n who was still above him,looked at him in a dissapointed look.

"I expected better from the IRIS user" she said softly,walking away with Rudy.
leaving the confused Ali alone,calling for help.


Rudy and Y/n ran side by side,getting to their teamates.

"Nice job" Y/n said.

"Your idea"

"Come on lets go,we gotta call the team,and we're winning this" Y/n quickly said,as she ran further,using her boost boots.

looks like now im following the episodes :>.

Idk if the fight scenes made sense cause since im still new,I dont really know how to write fight scenes.

•and..this is hard to explain but.SPOT is basically a kitsune mask.The progamme is similar to IRIS,but SPOT is one pieced.Meaning,it looks like that and stays like that.It cant change into a spectacle like Ali or something else.
But Y/n's vision is still perfect with the mask on.

Yea,thats all.Since Y/n left MATA early,she told her brother to keep SPOT a secret.

>:D thats all!

buh byee! See you in the next chapter:

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