Chapter 19

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  I drink some of my tea as did Brea, she looked around the room. "A secret society of Gelfling wow I bet even Mother didn't know about this," Brea says. "It pretty well hidden," I tell her, "Deet how did you find this place?" she asked me.

I put my cup down, "I didn't I was found by a Mystic named urSu who brought me to his home, he then introduced me to Luna and her husband Shin and they brought me here," I tell her, "So you been living here?" she asked me, "Yes well not this building I been staying with a Stonewood women name Shoni and her childlings," I tell her, "That's very kind of her," she says. "Yes and well," I said and stopped "Well what?" she asked me, "She's also Rian's Mother," I tell her. She was surprised, "His Mother?" She asked me, "yes and younger siblings," I tell her.
"He never mentioned her or his siblings once, I thought it was just him and his Father," she says. "His Mother had reasons it wasn't her choice I will tell you. She loved him and his father very much," I tell her.
She was quiet then looks around the room, she then got up and walked near a open area, "Deet come look at these," she tells me. I get up and walk over to her, she was look at small round shaped very light orange objects all hanging by vines. There had to be like hundreds of them.

"What are these?" She said. "Those are memory crystals," said a voice behind us, we turn and see Luna with a book in her hands. "Luna we didn't mean too," I said she smiled, "Girls it's fine I can understand being curious of things in this room your fine," she tells us. We look at the crystals. "So these are called what again?" I asked her, "Memory Crystals," Luna tells us.

"I never heard of memory crystals before," said Brea, "Not many Gelfling have it's part of my clan The Wick," Luna tells her. "The Wick?" Brea says, "I'll tell you about it later," Luna tells her, I look at the crystals, "So what do they do?" I ask her, "The hold memories, you see what you do is hold the crystal in your hand and remember something special or someone special. Basically dreamfasting with it. Once it glows the memory is inside," she tells us, We both look at them. "Wow," I said, "Go ahead touch them, the memory won't go away it's permanently inside the crystal," she tells us.

I look to my right and saw a vine I then held a crystal in my hand it was round and smooth. I then close my eyes and saw a young Grotten man, smiling and laughing, I recognized him. I open my eyes and let go of the crystal. "That was my Father Mitjan," I said, Luna smiled. "Your Father is one of my dearest friends, he always knew what to say," Luna tells me. I smile and look at another one.

I saw a young Stone-Wood woman with a bow and arrow. I knew who it was. "Shoni," I said. Luna smiled. "A lot of these I assume mostly has memories of Gelfling you know," Brea said. "Yes I been alive for many trine, I met so many Gelfling that I call friends, of course Death took them, sure many are alive such as your Father Deet and Shoni as well, but it's nice to have memories of them that way if I ever do lose them I can always look back and hear their voice and remember the good times," Luna says. I smile. Even though that Crystal was a younger version of my Father, it was nice to see him.

Brea then looks at one and the looks at Luna. "I saw a young Spriton woman," she tells Luna. "What was she doing?" Luna asked, "She was dancing and singing like telling a story and then blew some sort of powder," Brea tells her. "That was my dear friend Laney," Luna tells her, "She's beautiful," Brea tells her. "Yes she was very beautiful kind and loving, she was a amazing friend, a daughter, a wife and a mother," Luna tells us. She look sad, I remember Laney bring brought up, she was if I remember right Kylan's mother. "What happened to her?" I ask, Luna let out a breath, "She was killed by the hunter along with her husband, she died protecting her son," she tells us.

"Oh no!," Brea said. "I will never forget that day finding her son all alone, finding her body along with her husband's it was horrible," Luna says. We were both silent, "All my life I have seen many deaths but this was one of the most brutal I have seen," she tells us. "What about her son?" Brea asked her, "He's alright well you currently lost him," Luna tells her. Brea was shocked, "Kylan is your friend's son?" Brea asked, "Yes you met him before when you were younger, I brought him with me to Ha'rar but he was out cold around that time, you two didn't properly meet until many trine later," Luna tells her, Brea was in shock.

"Why can't I remember it?" Brea said, "Sometimes we forget things, we could have been too small to remember or it happened too fast, for example Deet doesn't know this but she met Rian once very long ago of course she was a baby back then," Luna tells us. I was shocked, "I did?" I asked her. "Yes I'll tell you one day or Shoni can tell you," Luna tells me. We both were quiet, "Now then Brea please come help me prepare a brew, Deet stay here we will be right back," Luna tells me. Brea then goes with her, I then look around at the crystals and then touch one.

I then see a young Vapra, from a baby to a childling to a young woman then I heard her voice. " Ma! Pa!" She said. I let go, I smile. "You were beautiful no wonder he fell for you," I said. It was quiet. "Mira I can never replace you in Rian's heart," I said. Then I felt a gust of wind blow it made the vines move. They made a little noise. I then heard a voice past by. " Take care of him," It said. I look around no one was here. Was that Mira's voice?

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