Chapter 1

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Deet's P.O.V
I see strange creatures carrying or killing Gelfling, I smell the blood and the smoke. The screams of death, but the one I hear the most and I seems to be getting closer to was a childling in the middle of all this crying. His cries get loader and loader and then. "MAMA, PAPA!!" He cried.

I awake from the dream breathing heavily trying to catch my breath. "Was that another vision or a dream?" I ask myself. I look around me the plant life is dead, I look at my hands I still see the dark evil color that runs through my veins. I get up and start walking once again.

"I need to figure out how to beat this this darkening. So I can be with my family, my friends and," I Said and stop and put my hands near my heart. "To be with Rian again," I Said. I keep on walking and look around Thra was starting to get more gloomy, it was also getting cold.

As I continue to walk the image of that childling, he was so small and also like me. He was sad like me as well. And his cries. "MAMA, PAPA!!" I put my hands near my ears but it kept on getting loader and loader. "Stop," I Said "MAMA!!" Scream the child. "Please stop," I begged. "MAMA, PAPA!!" He screamed again. "Please stop I don't want to hear it anymore!" I begged. "MAMA, PAPA!!" He screamed once again.

I fell to my knees begging for the crying to stop, but he just wouldn't stop at all. I then felt a gentle hand Rest on my head, it then stopped. "If you let your fear control you how will you win the fight against it?" Said a gentle voice I look up it was a Mystic. "You will be alright Gelfling," he tells me.

I then felt dizzy and then all I saw was black.

AN: Hey hope you all enjoyed this I been wanting to write this for a while but nothing felt right. Now that I'm writing notes and ideas in a journal it's a lot better for me.
Just to let you know I was trying to spell the way they call kids in the series. So tell me if I spelled it wrong or anything so anyway hope you like the first chapter.

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