Chapter 6

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"Mother Aughra has a son?" I ask "yes sadly he's stubborn and annoying," Said Shin "he can say the same thing about you," Said Luna. Shin looks at her and then back at me, "who is he exactly?" I ask "he's her son that she made long story about that but anyway all you need to know he was the one who caused the UrSkeks to split into the Skeksis and the Mystics," Shin tells me.

If my eyes could get any bigger they would fall out. "He caused that?" I ask "Yes long story," Said Shin "Were you two born during that time?" I ask "we were babies when it happened," Said Shin. I look at them and decide to maybe avoid talking about this Raunip. I look outside the carriage and just think about my friends and my family, but I also was thinking about the childling that I keep on seeing. All I know is his name is Jen, but that's it.

Then the carriage stops, "Alright let's get off," Said Shin, I nodded Ling opens the door for us and takes Luna's hand and helps her stop down . Shin goes and then me, "watch your step Deet," Ling tells me as he helps me down, "thank you," I tell him. I then saw a cave with long leaves that appear like string are covering the cave.

"I'll go put these guys back in their pin and meet you all inside," Said Ling "okay thank you Ling," Said Luna, Ling nods and heads off. "Come on Deet," Said Luna and we go inside the cave, "so you live in a cave?" I ask them. Luna just smiled, "sort of you can say this cave leads to our home," she tells me. I was confused, "what do you mean?" I ask her. "Deet have you ever heard the stories of the mysterious eighth clan?" She ask me.

I was even more confused, then I remember something. "I believe I have when I was small my fathers would tell me a story of a clan of Gelfling that has disappeared nobody knows what happened to them," I tell her. "That's because the Skeksis killed them off," Said Shin. I look at them, "they killed them?" I ask, we stop walking, and Shin turns to look at me. "Like I told you before Luna will answer all your questions," he tells me again. And then he started walking ahead of us, "Shin!" Luna called him but he ignored her.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask her, she turns to me and puts a head on my shoulder and smiles. "No he's just upset right now because Raunip nothing to worry about," she tells me. I smiled and we kept on walking until we saw a small like city and so many Gelfling. I was in awe there were small stalls with Gelfling selling things, a small like pond with water from the wall falling into it. Buildings that are made of stone that hasn't aged much with time, and in the center a road that leads to a older bigger stone building.

"It's beautiful," I Said and got bumped into and look a small childling a little Dousan boy. "Are you Alright?" I ask him, he got up on his own. "I'm okay I apologize miss for bumping into you," he tells me, I smiled at him. "It's alright accident happen please be careful Alright," I tell him. He smiles, "I will have a good day," he tells me and runs off back to his friends to go play.
"Guess the childlings are playing a game of catch me," Said Luna. I nodded and saw childlings of different clans playing together, I smiled. "Come," Said Luna and we started walking again, and heading towards the main building. Shin was waiting for us with Ling, "how bad is it?" Ask Luna, Ling let out a breath. "Bad he's arguing with them as we speak," he tells her.

"Well lets go," Said Shin and we started walking up the stairs to the doors and we went in and already I hear yelling. "You were told once you were told a thousand times Raunip that you are not supposed to leave or cause damage to the walls!" Said a males voice. There was five others arguing with a strange looking creature. "You all don't understand if we expand the wall or travel to convince the other clans to join us we can stop the Skeksis!" He tells the man. I guess that is Raunip.

Shin then takes out his sword and hits the ground lightly causing it to shake I see a dark lightning wrap around the sword. They all then look at Shin and he puts it away, Raunip looks at Shin scared. "We can't leave you for a day can we Raunip without you causing trouble," Shin tells him. Raunip looks down to the ground. "What I am hearing is you trying to expand the walls again. Is this true?" Shin ask him.

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