Part 8: Her Whereabouts

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Fareeha's room, Overwatch HQ, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Spain

Date: August 25th, 2077. Time: 8:12 am

Fareeha's pacing back and forth in her room, thinking to herself about how she could possibly approach Angela about the situation between them and Lena earlier, knowing that simply approaching Angela wouldn't be easy, as she tends to become rather sheepish when put in those kinds of situations.

[Fareeha]: //Pondering\\ "Perhaps just letting enough time pass would be my best bet, but then again, leaving it too late may make things even more awkward between us..."

She kept at it for the better part of half an hour, being interrupted when she heard footsteps approaching her room. Thinking it was Angela, Fareeha promptly opened the door for her, only to be greeted by Brigitte.

[Brigitte]: //Surprised\\ "Oh... I wasn't about to disturb you, was I?"

[Fareeha]: "No. No, not at all. Is there something you wanted?"

[Brigitte]: "Well, actually, I came by to tell you that we saw Angela again- well, more accurately, Genji did, but anyway, she wanted a message delivered to you, saying she wants you to meet her outside the front of HQ."

[Fareeha]: "Oh, really?"

[Brigitte]: "Yeah. She didn't say when, exactly, but I can only assume she meant now."

[Fareeha]: "Well, in that case, I better go see what she wants." //Closes her room door behind her\\ "Thanks for telling me, Brigitte."

[Brigitte]: "Hey, it's no problem! As long as you don't go easy on me in our next sparring match, I think that'll be a good enough payment!~"

[Fareeha]: "It's a done deal!~"

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