Part 2: "Long time no see!"

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Common Room, Overwatch HQ, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Spain

Date: August 24th, 2077. Time: 2:47 pm

Just over an hour later of when Fareeha arrived at the HQ, Angela arrives back with all of the medical supplies she went to recover in hand.

[Angela]: "I've managed to recover all that I possibly could, so I can only hope it's enough."

[Winston]: "Ah, Angela, that should be plenty! Thanks for doing that for us."

[Angela]: "No problem, Winston!~"

[Lena]: //Blinking over\\ "Oh, Angela, there's someone here to see you!"

[Angela]: //Looking around\\ "Someone here to see... me..."

Upon looking around the room, Angela's attention was inevitably caught by Fareeha who was sitting at a nearby table with a few of her comrades, who was looking in her direction, waiting for her to notice.

[Angela]: "F-Fareeha?!"

[Fareeha]: "Hi, Angela, it's lovely to see you again~"

[Angela]: "W-Well, this is unexpected, heheh...~"

[Lena]: "Awww, well ain't this nice?~"

[Angela]: "C-Could I offer you some coffee? Tea, maybe?"

[Fareeha]: "I guess I'll have-"

Fareeha's attention was caught by Lena, who was standing behind Angela, mouthing 'go for the tea'.

[Fareeha]: "...Uhh, I'll have some tea, thanks."

[Angela]: "Great! I'll be right back, then."

Angela then leaves the room, heading for the kitchen to make Fareeha some tea.

[Lena]: "Phew... I'm glad you caught on."

[Fareeha]: "Why did you want me to go for the tea, exactly?"

[Mei]: "Well, uh... Angela's coffee isn't exactly... great..."

[Brigitte]: "She tries, but it's just never good."

[Lena]: "The only one who'll drink her coffee is Genji."

[Genji]: "...What can I say? I don't mind it."

[Lena]: "Probably because most of your senses are mute, Genji."

[Genji]: "Even so, you all are just overreacting."

[Fareeha]: "Ah, well, thanks for the consideration, I suppose."

About five minutes later, Angela arrives back with the tea she made Fareeha.

[Angela]: "Here, it's chamomile. Three sugars because I remembered you like it sweet.~"

[Fareeha]: "Ahh, thank you, Angela."

Fareeha takes a sip of the tea, as she does, her surrounding comrades anticipated her reaction, including Angela herself.

[Fareeha]: "..."

[Angela]: "Well...?"

[Fareeha]: "It's perfect, thank you, Angela!~"

[Angela]: //Putting her hands together\\ "Yay!"

[Brigitte]: "That's a relief."

[Lena]: "You can say that again."

[Angela]: "My tea's not that bad, is it?"

[Winston]: "No, no, that's not it, uh..."

[Fareeha]: "Angela, relax, I think it's perfect."

[Angela]: "Well, at least someone's grateful."

Angela then leaves the room, tea tray in hand, leaving everybody else to chat amongst themselves for a while.

[Brigitte]: "Fareeha, how about I show around the premises?"

[Fareeha]: "Of course, that would be best."

[Winston]: "While you're at it, Brigitte, you can also show Fareeha to her room."

[Brigitte]: "Well, I was going to do that anyway, but now that you've said it, Winston, I guess I have to, haha!"

[Winston]: "Uh... Yes..."

[Fareeha]: //Giggling\\

Brigitte then proceeded to show Fareeha around the facility, giving her an in-depth tour to make sure Fareeha would know where everything was and would never get lost, starting with the HQ's kitchen, then the training facility, then the facility's gym, followed by the locker/gear room, and finally the room where Fareeha would be staying.

[Brigitte]: "There. Did you get all that?"

[Fareeha]: "Brigitte, I appreciate the concern, but there's no need to doubt me."

[Brigitte]: "I guess that's fair, haha!" //Starts walking away\\ "I assume I'll see you in the gym later, yeah?"

[Fareeha]: "Hm. You guessed right, there's never an excuse to slack."

[Brigitte]: "Just what I like to hear!~"

Brigitte then walks off, back to the common room, while Fareeha gets accommodated with her new room. As she was sorting her stuff out, she heard a knock at her door...

[Fareeha]: "Feel free to let yourself in."

[Angela]: "Ah, thank you."

[Fareeha]: "Ah, Angela, what can I do for you?"

[Angela]: "Oh, not much, I was just checking to see how you were settling in?"

[Fareeha]: "I'm fine, thanks for checking." (Brief pause) "It's really nice getting to see many of my old comrades again." //Turns to Angela\\ "Some more so than others.~"

[Angela]: //Blushing, turning away\\ "W-Well, that's... that's great to know, eheheh...~"

There are a few moments of somewhat awkward silence between the two.

[Angela]: "...Ah, well, I'll leave you it, then."

[Fareeha]: "If you so wish."

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