Part 3: Caught in the Act

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Gym, Overwatch HQ, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Spain

Date: August 24th, 2077. Time: 6:05 pm

[Brigitte]: "Ah, Fareeha, you're finally here!"

[Fareeha]: "Sorry for the wait, I bumped into Mei in the hallway and we spent a bit of time talking."

[Brigitte]: "Ah. Well, no worries! What are you planning on starting with?"

[Fareeha]: "I was thinking about improving my stamina a little more - can't hurt to have more of that now."

[Brigitte]: "You got that right!"

Fareeha then takes a quick glance around the room.

[Fareeha]: "Ah, Lena, you're here too?"

[Lena]: "Oh? That's right! I've been coming here almost daily now for the past month."

[Fareeha]: "You've always been in exceptional shape, though. What made you start coming?"

[Lena]: "Ah, well..."

[Brigitte]: "She might be a little embarrassed to tell you."

[Fareeha]: "Hm?"

[Lena]: "Well, you see..." //Twiddling her fingers\\ "When I started properly working out instead of just training missions and the like, my partner Emily really liked the progress I was making, and..."

[Brigitte]: "Lena came in one day all excited going on about how Emily really admired her progress those previous weeks, like, really admired, if you know what I'm saying!"

[Lena]: //Shyly\\ "Brigitte..."

[Fareeha]: "Ah, motivated by a loved one?"

[Lena]: "Y-You could say that, haha!"

[Fareeha]: "Well that's fair enough, I'm glad you have a motivation.~"

[Lena]: "Aww, well thank you!"

[Fareeha]: "How many years has it been now since you met her?"

[Lena]: "Getting on for three years almost!"

[Fareeha]: //Smiling sweetly\\ "That's great to hear. I'm happy for you, Lena.~"

[Lena]: //Playfully\\ "Oh, stop it.~"

[Fareeha]: "Well anyway, I'm going to get to it."

[Lena]: "Sure thing!"

While Fareeha was getting on with her stamina training, Angela peeks her head around the door to the gym room, but in a way to make sure she isn't seen, suggesting she was watching someone...

[Angela]: "..."

For a while, Angela just kept her eyes on Fareeha, watching her meticulously push her body to her limit, while also admiring her toned physique. Or, at least, until...

[Lena]: "Whatchya' looking at?"

[Angela]: //Surprised\\ "Ahh-! ...L-Lena?"

[Lena]: //Giggling\\ "Sorry Angela, I couldn't help but notice you were spying on us, so I thought it'd only be fun to scare you!"

[Angela]: "Ah, well... I'm sorry..."

[Lena]: "Nah, forget about it! Besides, I know you weren't spying on all of us now.~"

[Angela]: //Embarrassed\\ "Uh, well... I-I guess you're right..."

[Lena]: //Playfully\\ "So were you enjoying the view?"

[Angela]: //Embarrassed\\ "Ahem... I best be going, haha..."

[Lena]: "Oh... Well, see you later, then, Angela!"

Angela then rushes off, obviously embarrassed by what just went down.

[Fareeha]: "Lena, was Angela here just a second ago?"

[Lena]: "Huh? Oh! No, no, you must've been hearing things, haha..."

[Fareeha]: //Suspicious\\ "Hmm... Well, next time you see her, if you do, tell her she can have a closer look if she wants.~"

[Lena]: //Taken aback\\ "Whoa! Is that supposed to mean what I think it means?"

[Fareeha]: "Most likely, yes."

[Lena]: //Giggling\\ "Don't worry, I'll make sure to tell her if I see her again!~"

[Fareeha]: "Thank you, Lena. Just try and be a little subtle about it, would you?"

[Lena]: "Relax, Fareeha, you can count on me!"

[Fareeha]: //Throwing a towel over her shoulder\\ "Alright, I'll see you either first thing tomorrow or later tonight, probably - I'm off back to my room."

[Lena]: "Sure thing, see you whenever!"

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