-> chapter 1

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"assigned seats fucking suck,"

mingyu sighed as he sat down at his table. the group had somehow managed to all get the same lunch, since their school was split into a and b. though, it wasn't a big group of people- just mingyu, junhui, wonwoo, jihoon, and soonyoung (who brought his friend seokmin a lot).

"please, in my classes, every seat sucks," jihoon complained. sadly, he had no classes with the rest of the group.

"hoonie, sweetie, hush," soonyoung spoke. "if you take advanced computer science next year, maybe we'll have it together,"

"why do you say that, gyu?" seokmin asked, taking attention away from the couple.

"computer science essentials," mingyu groaned, taking a bite of the disgusting school food. "i can't believe we have to change seats after getting to choose for nine weeks,"

"it's not that bad," jun replied, tapping his fingers against the lunch table in a bored manner.

"maybe not for you!" mingyu pouted. "i got stuck with some girl who keeps trying to flirt with me. how many times to i have to tell her that i have a boyfriend?"

"she'll shut up soon enough. if she doesn't then you can always talk to the teacher to switch," wonwoo shrugged. "mrs. park is really nice, so she should let you,"

"i guess," the younger pouted. "jun, who'd you get stuck with?"

"honestly, i don't have a clue what his name is," he sighed. "all i know is that he's somehow cute as fuck and hot as fuck at the same time. also we have a few classes together- i see him around school a lot,"

"oh, yeah. isn't it that guy that never talks?" mingyu took another bite of his food, "you'll have fun this nine weeks,"

"i wanna talk to him but i'm too awkward and he doesn't speak,"

"yeah, like i said, you'll have fun with that,"

"i'll have fun when i get the boyfriend of my dreams," jun complained. "why am i the only single one here?"

"i mean-"

"minnie, you can't talk. just because your boyfriend isn't here doesn't mean you understand my pain,"

seokmin pouted, "well, maybe you should actually talk to people,"


"... he's not wrong," wonwoo shrugged, taking a bite of his food. "you said you wanted to talk to the guy you sit with- also called him cute and hot- so maybe you could ask him-"

"i'm not into him like that," jun shook his head, "i've known the guy for an hour and only said hi to him. he nodded as a response,"

"i'd take that over miss i-don't-care-that-you-have-a-boyfriend,"

"to be fair, i'd take him over hyori too,"

"i think everyone would,"

"oh, you guys are talking about kim hyori?" wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "i'll make sure she fucks off,"

"wonwoo, you already got suspended for kissing me in front of seungjin, and we don't want a redo of that," mingyu stopped him. "i can just deal with hyori by myself,"

"why is hyori even taking that class?" soonyoung cut in. "wasn't she talking about how much she hated it a few days ago?"

"no idea. i don't talk to her,"

"either way, i'm not about to let wonwoo get suspended again," jun took mingyu's side. "last time was the shittiest three days ever,"

"to be fair, it was an amazing three days for me,"

"because you were sucking off mingyu's face for those three days," jihoon rolled his eyes.

wonwoo opened his mouth to rebut, but there was nothing to be said- jihoon wasn't wrong.

"either way, no one is getting suspended this time," seokmin cut in, "i cant be lonely every class,"

"see? if you get me suspended then poor minnie is gonna have to resort to texting jisoo in class and i'm not about to be replaced by his boyfriend,"

wonwoo held back a laugh, "fine, fine,"

"i don't wanna go to drawing," jun randomly spoke, having enough of the conversation that just happened. "don't even know why i took the class,"

"because soonyoung did,"

"well, no shit, sherlock. i just regret taking it," he pouted. "soonyoung didn't even get it the same period as me,"

"and that's why you take the classes you wanna take," jihoon spoke, "not ones with your friends,"

"to be fair, i didn't find any of the other electives even somewhat interesting,"

"did anyone?"

"good question, i'm ninety percent sure that the answer is no,"

"do you know anyone in that class?"

"cute, hot boy is in there," jun sighed. "still don't think i'll talk to him, though,"

"what does he look like?" soonyoung asked, "i might know him,"

soonyoung pretty much knew everyone in the school for one reason or another. he knew hyori and the other popular people from having gotten hit on by them multiple times. he knew most of the upper class men from being tutored by seungcheol. not to mention that seokmin was dating jisoo. then he knew jieqiong and her friends since junhui dated her for a while (they've remained on good terms and are close friends). soonyoung was probably the most popular guy in the whole school at this point.

"hm... he has a black mullet. and he carries around this book with a blue cover. and he..." jun struggled to describe the person that hed seen. "i don't know. he's almost elegant? and he doesn't speak. at least i haven't heard him talk,"

as soonyoung opened his mouth, the bell rang.

mingyu stood up with his tray, "well, have fun in class with mr. mystery. make sure to tell us how it goes if you talk to him,"

"for sure,"

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