chapter 38: xmas party; gingerbread & frosting

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*Sophie POV*

The doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I pause my mad cleaning spree to answer the door. And lo and behold, all of my friends are standing right outside on the porch. "Mom!" I call back into the house. "I thought we didn't want carollers!"

"Let us in, please," Biana pleads.

"Oh, yeah! Why are you guys here again?" they all look at me expectantly. "Is it really Christmas Eve!?!?!? That would explain why Mom told me to clean the living room. Come in," I move out of the way.

They all rush into the warm house and hang their coats, hats, scarves, and whatnot. 

"Nice place," Keefe observes the house. 

"Oh my goodness, you guys are here!" Edaline and Grady come downstairs. "Are your parents here too?" 

"No, not yet. Mom is got stuck in the snow because Dad forgot to get tires, and Kesler, Juline, and the triplets are right behind us," Biana says, and right on cue, I hear the kids behind her.

"Guys, be natural, Dex told us not to embarrass him, his girlfriend is there!" one says, whispering very loudly.

"He's such a drama queen! And she's not his girlfriend."

"She's nice!"

"I know, right! I hope they get together!"

"What about the other one?"

"Shush, they'll hear us!"

"The other one?"

"The other one!"

"They'll hear us!"

"What about the blond one?"

"That's the one I'm talking about! She's cool too."

"Cousin Sophie?"

"Idiot! It's not her, it's the other one."

"Can you use names?"


"Guys, they can hear us!"

"No they ca-" the two boys, Lex and Rex, turn their heads in unison, and immediately color, covering their mouths like that would take back everything they said. 

"Come in," I motion inside, and as Juline passes by, she whispers,

"Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it." She hugs me tightly, and I give each of the triplets a hug too. "Merry Christmas Eve!"

Everyone goes inside to the living room, and we catch up there, Biana and Tam snuggling in a chair, and Fitz rolling his eyes at them. Grady comes over to me.

"If you get even an inch closer to THAT BOY, I'm getting out Sandor's bat."

"Dad! We have guests, you know!"

"Just warning you," he stalks off to the kitchen, but not before doing the 'I'm watching you' sign. I roll my eyes.

What a nut job. Hopefully he was just joking, though.

"Guys! Time to make gingerbr- hey! Get out of there!" Edaline calls, (well, partially). The triplets are making a mess of the kitchen, scavenging for sugar, likely.

"You are eight years old! That's it, time out!" Juline takes the mischievous children away, but Keefe slips them a cookie without anyone noticing. I punch his shoulder.

"Why'd you do that? Now they're going to fight over it!" 

"No, I drew a section for each of them!" he protests.

I slap my forehead.

"Okay, here's the deal. Boy against girls, we are doing a gingerbread making competition."

"Wait, so are we making the houses, or cooking?" Biana asks, rolling up the sleeves to her sweater and putting on an apron.

"You think we can cook? Of course not, we're just making the houses."

Kesler hands me an apron as Edaline continues with the rules, "thanks," I whisper. 

"No problem."

"And finally, if you have an opportunity to start a food fight, go for it," Edaline starts a timer, "you may begin!"

All of us girls rush to our easel and start sketching. "So I was thinking," Linh scribbles on the board, "we could do a simple house with sour patch kids as decoration, they live in the house. Then, we use candy canes as pillars, and use dots to mark the pathway."

"Sounds good!"

"I like it."

"Got it!"

"Let's do this!"

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings, "I got it!" Edaline prances over to the door. "Hello, welcome! We're just making gingerbread houses!" 

"Oh good, Della's coming." 

I grab the piping thing and start connecting some of the walls together. 

"Sophie! You why is the door on the ceiling?" Linh gestures to the hole at the top of the house.

"It's a skylight?"

"Oh my gods," Linh takes the whole thing apart and reassembles it. "Perfection!"

"So what's for dinner? Pizza?" Keefe asks, making the 'finishing touches' to their gingerbread house. 


"I hope it's Hawaiian!" Biana squeals.

"Like the one with pineapple?"


"Pineapple does not belong on pizza!"

"Pineapple can go wherever the heck it wants!"

"Not on to pizza, that's for sure!"

Biana throws a chunk of our house at Keefe, and Linh gasps, heartbroken. I try to help her save the house to no avail, so when that piece of candy hits me, I throw a whole wall at Keefe. Soon enough, it's war. 

Frosting is spraying everywhere, gingerbread is being thrown, the crumbs falling onto the floor. 

"Pineapple on pizza so bad!"

 "You're just boring!"

"How dare you?"

"Huh!" she throws a piece at Tam, who is sulking in the corner.

"Why did you do that?" Tam squirts frosting at Biana.

Keefe throws a piece at me, hitting me square in the face. "You did not."

"You already did," he holds up the broken wall, "you threw this. Consider it, a fair trade," he smirks.

"It's on."

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