(This is what Dokkaebi is wearing)

"Sorry guys! I was expecting Yun to go with you," She said 

"Well Yun can barely keep her eyes open so you are coming instead of her," I said then we looked at Yun, her head was going to the sides as she tried to keep it straight...that's what happens when you don't get a good sleep. 

"I'm glad you stopped her," Grace said and I rolled my eyes then stood aside and waited for her to go inside.

Friday, January 08, 2021
April PoV 

Two days ago all of a sudden The Netherlands closed all of their airports, no one could get in or out without permission. The world was confused by that but I knew what was really happening, I knew the wolves were behind all of this so I went to investigate, lucky for me I have friends in The Netherlands so I got the permission I needed to get inside the country. I prepared everything and I was ready to go when Ela appeared next to my helicopter.

"What are you doing here Bosak?" I asked

"I heard you are going to The Netherlands, I want to tag along," She said

"Why should I let you come with me?" I asked

"The masked man I saw that day... I want to know who is he," She said

"I thought you had a date with your multimillionaire boyfriend," I said and she blushed 

"He can wait, I told him why and he agreed to move the date," Ela said and I sighed 

Time Skip
The Netherlands

We arrived at the airport we were told to land, and there we went through all of the security protocols, we were checked up by girls, lucky for us. Ela wasn't happy that a couple of strangers were checking her, I didn't care much because I mean...these guys locked down the entire country, I wouldn't like to complain to that kind of force. We were escorted to the prime minister's house where we found old faces. Iana and dokkaebi.

(This what Iana is wearing)

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(This what Iana is wearing)

"Ok, you are here. What do you want?" Iana said. I remember she wasn't very talkative but know she looks different, like being a wolf can change you...

"Looks like you don't want to catch up so I'll go directly to the point," I said and I could tell by their faces that's what they wanted 

"The last few days ever since you appeared, it only took you days to take over. The white masks seem to be scared and I've been thinking... 'Rainbow won't be capable of dealing with them anymore' at least not the way Harry is handling things," I said. It pains me to go against my husband but it's the truth...Harry is just too good to be the leader of a team who is supposed to do the job fast. 

"I think I know where this is going, he saw it coming. Look you must talk about this with the captain, not with us," Dokkaebi said 

"Oh you mean (y,n)?" I said with a smirk on my face but after five seconds they laughed  

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