Legacy: Big Bad Wolf

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"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

It all started as a normal day. Most of the people would be dealing with their normal life or at least that I would love to say... at 12:00 PM the leader of the wolves (y,n) (l,n) ordered an attack using "Zeus Station" a massive station orbiting Earth. The orbital strikes had targeted the Pentagon, the United Nations. The only countries capable of stopping (y,n) had it worst. Russia, United States, China, Japan, Germany, and England were destroyed. Team Rainbow, a division under (y,n) command tried to stand against him but such behavior only ended in a public execution. After the white masks, the leaders of the world feared this moment. Now (y,n) has the world in chaos. 

The resistance fighting The Wolves forces launched one last attack, that last hope for humanity. "Levi Jan (l,n) Bosak" and five more soldiers were deployed and now on route to The Wolves Headquarters. (y,n) is a genius, always more than one step ahead of the enemy, The leader of the wolves knew Levi would be the one to end him so (y,n) took the only person that could make him hesitate. His mother "Elzbieta Roxanna (l,n) Bosak" 

"Any idea of what happened to your father?" Soldier one Asked looking at Levi 

"I have no idea. Here I thought he was like an open book, here I thought he loved us but we were wrong," Levi said then looked at the soldier who asked the question 

"All I want to do now is kill that bastard, take back my Mom, and save the world," Levi said 

"Damm right we will!" Soldier two shouted letting the team know that he was ready to die for the cause. 

"Whatever happens, I just want to let you guys know that it was an honor to fight alongside you," Soldier five said. 

The team was now checking their equipment, Levi was looking at the gadget his mother left for him before she was taken away "The Grzmot Mines" were Ela's gadget back when she worked for Rainbow and back when she worked for Levi's father. (y,n) used to be a good person but suddenly he started to behave oddly and Ela knew so she prepared her child to take on his father. 

Time Skip
The Wolves HQ

The Ship the team was using to get closer to the base was one stolen from the wolves, it was obvious if they tried to approach using a normal ship they would have been targeted by the base defenses. Everything was going fine and they were on their way to the hangar. Levi had the element of surprise or so they thought...

"Wait...are we being targeted?" Soldier three said confused, they would never target a ship of their own 

"BRACE YOURSELVES!" Levi shouted just before the ship got hit. 

The shot destroyed one of the ship's wings and now it was spinning in the air without control, the pilot tried to regain control of the ship but another shot made that impossible. The back of the ship got destroyed and one of Levi's team tried to hold onto something but he couldn't, Levi tried to save him but it was useless, they both fell off the ship and landed on the rooftop of the base. Levi was lucky to be able to survive but his teammate was not as lucky as he was. The remaining team that was still on the ship didn't make it either. Levi was all alone now... but there was no time for him to cry for his comrades. 

"I'll end this soon guys...don't worry," That was the only thing Levi could say to his now-dead team

Levi breached the door located on the rooftop and went into the facility, the alarm as he expected went off and the people inside the building began moving to their combat post. Levi held his rifle tightly as he moved through the corridors of the base, he encountered a few wolves but he was able to take them out, he reloaded and keep moving forward. So far there wasn't any heavy resistance, Levi just needed to focus and would be fine. 

Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin