Legacy: Assassination Attempt

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Friday, July 13, 2031
The Wolves Headquarters
(Y,N) PoV

It has been ten years since we deal with Markus and his people, those who remained and gave up are behind bars in their respective country. The wolves were absolved of the so-called "Crimes" that were committed while we operated on our own but if we hadn't acted the way we did right now we would be living in fear because of the space station and I wouldn't even want to think what would have happened if Markus would have found Hephestaus Facility.

"Captain, The mission was a total success, we await new orders," A Hologram appeared next to showing me Eliza "Ash" Cohen.

"That would be all for today, Ash. Return to base," I ordered her and she nodded

"We have been dealing with a lot of traffic lately such as weapons, drugs, humans, organs, and so on. Lucky we are here to deal with all this," Harry said and I nodded

"By the way, how are Lidia and Levi?" Harry asked me

"They are doing fine. I wish I were there with them," I said

"But you are heading home in a few hours," Harry said and I sighed

"That's not what I meant. I meant to be there every day, see them in person every day. Being here feels like I'm missing in their lives," I said

"When you talk to them. Are they happy to see you? Or they don't get excited anymore when they hear about you?" Harry asked me

"Ela says they get happy and excited when she calls them to talk to me and when I see their faces, they are happy..." I said

"Why wouldn't they be? look (y,n). your kids are just as smart as you and Ela. they do things kids at their age should not be able to. They must understand why you are not at home all the time, they must be proud to know that their father is a hero," Harry said

"I am no hero, Harry. I'm just a guy who was fixing the error of his past," I said

"That doesn't change the fact that they love you. Besides...why are you feeling like that? You have never missed a birthday, and any important thing on their life," Harry said and I chuckled

"And that is why Raven gets mad at me because I escape from here just to be with them," I said

"You are a good father (y,n). Well, I won't keep you any longer, go be with your family, tell them I say hi!" Harry said and I nodded

Time Skip
Wroclaw, Poland
Elzbieta PoV

Today (y,n) is coming home and yesterday I promised the kids that I will take them to receive him at the airport, I was getting ready to go out and picked them up at school. Lidia and Levi are going to the same private school but Levi has already made up his mind to go to a military school when he gets older, it is nice of him that he wants to follow in his father footsteps but I can't help but worry, I'm their mother after all. After a few minutes I headed to my car so I can go and pick up my ten years old kids. 


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