chapter 5: talk

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Anyways back to the story ;3

"You have a crush on Marinette, don't you Kagami?"

My heart sank. No, they're wrong. Marinette is my friend. She likes Adrien. She won't like me back. Ah this is escalating way too quickly i need more time to think about this.

"Wait..I, how did you know?"

"I mean it's been kind of obvious. The way you stared at her during class, the jealousy you felt when she talked about Adrien, and you even blushed at her." Alix said.

"Not to mention that when I mentioned Adrien during our sleepover, you suddenly weren't in the mood." Alya added.

"I mean, well i, you, but you're making it seem like it's a bad thing, it's not bad right?"

"Of course not. We're actually happy for you, Kagami." Rose said and smiled.

"Yeah, we have your back." Juleka said.

"And we love you no matter what." Alix added.

All four of the girls came to my side to hug me since they noticed I was welling up a bit. "Aw, thanks girls. You're the best. Wait, does Mari know about...this?"

"Nope. Our lips are sealed, girl." Alya said. I guess I could become close to Alya, besides I owe her for this.

"Y'know Jules, this takes me back when I wanted to ask you out."

"Heh, you were a blushing mess. In the end I had to do it for you."

Alya and Alix laughed. I couldn't hear the rest of what Rose and Juleka were saying because they were whispering in each other's ears and kissing. Probably a girlfriends thing.

Alix came to me. "Don't worry, they do this all the time. Hey you lovebirds, we're not finished yet."

Rose and Juleka stopped and looked at me. "Oh yes."

"We're gonna leave all of the confessing and identity thing up to you. If there's any advice you need we're always here for you." Juleka said while the others nodded in agreement.

"Thanks again for everything. And I'll definitely tell Marinette how I feel."

As they all replied to me, Marinette slammed the door open, crying and panting.

"Marinette? What happened?" Alya came to her.

"Adrien rejected me, and just let me there without saying a word afterwards."

Alix and Alya came to her to comfort her. When i was about to stand up to do the same, Juleka placed her hand on top of mine and shook her head.

"Sit, the time will come when you get to comfort her. Just not right now."

I was confused but also understood what she said. So I obeyed her.

Mari sat down next to Alya and for the remaining time we studied for our classes. It was about 5:00 when all of us left campus. I called my chauffeur to come and pick me up to get home.

"Where have you been, Kagami?" My mother asked suspiciously.

"I was staying after school for a study session. Sorry I didn't let you know beforehand."

"Hm, well you should be. Just do what you need to do and get to bed."


"Oh and Kagami, just so you know, if you fall in love with anyone in that school, you're done for."

"Yeah okay."

Wait a minute.

So much has happened today I can't even begin to comprehend it.

Not that I'm complaining but...

Why do I feel so scared all of a sudden

Like as if my world will fall apart.

It's strange.

Who knew having a crush on someone can give side effects?

Oh wait. Now I know.

My mom.

Great. Now I'm gonna get into more trouble.

Hopefully Marinette understands.

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