chapter 1: skipping

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A/N: Kagami has been in the high school for almost a year. She now has a small friend group with Marinette and Alya (Dw it's for the plot)

Kagami POV

This high school so far is going pretty great

The classes are so much easier

And my friends are really nice and caring

Especially Marinette

We've gotten pretty close since I transferred here

I wonder where she is.

"Hey Kagami, I was looking for you." Marinette said while coming towards me. I quickly put away my notebook so I can easily make eye contact.

"Oh, hey Marinette."

"Your mom came by the office today. She told me to ask how you're doing."

"I'm doing okay. But why did you have to come all the way to my locker to come see me?"

"I just wanted to know how you are feeling. Don't want any of my friends to feel under the clouds, right?"

There it is. My face is feeling hot again. I'm trying to tell myself to stop but I can't. But I realize that the word, friend, has a meaning of its own. Does Marinette only see me as a new friend? Yeah of course, but I don't get why it's unsatisfying to me.

"You okay, Kagami? Your face is red."

Her remark puts me back into the real world. "Oh, um, yeah I am. It's just that it's a little hot in here and I wanted to go outside."

"But school is still going on."

"Well maybe we could, skip one class and go to the park?" Crap why did I say that.

"Wow. I'm shocked you actually said that."

"Oh I'm sorry. We'll probably get into trouble so we could-"

"Actually, I want to do that."

"Wait, really?"

"Sure. We could be like the bad kids. Of course this is my first time so forgive me if I'm new to this. Let me go get Alya and we can go."

Time Skip to Park

Alya, Kagami, and Marinette are standing by a nearby fountain.

"The weather is amazing, right?" Marinette said.

Alya looked at her amused. "You're right, but why did you decide to come out here?"

"Because Kagami wanted to."

She looked at me shocked. I know, I'm not fond of breaking the rules, but i just couldn't help myself. If it's with Marinette, I'd go anywhere.

Alya looked at her phone. "Well, what do you know, school is already over. Which means Kagami you gotta head back home."

"I'm probably going to get in big trouble."

"Don't worry, I got you covered Kagami. I'll just come with you home to talk to your mom about it. I'm really good at covering up stories." Marinette replied with a toothy smile.

"Uh huh." Alya said.

"Alya, I can do this. Trust me."


A/N: Y'all I am so sorry for not updating quickly school has been keeping me busy and it's stressing me out :( This chapter is a bit dry, but I promise that it will get better😘

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