011. gay dinosaur

Começar do início

Zayn, who had moved to stand beside her, hummed, "Should we do something about them?"

Malak stared at the pair and tilted her head. "Nah," she shrugged. "Security can deal with them. I've got a flight to catch."

"Fair," Zayn chuckled before grabbing her suitcase and leading her away from the two and towards one of the check-ins. "Do not finish the bag of gummy bears I gave you in under a minute."

"Are you challenging me?" she laughed, providing one of the agents at the desk with her paper ticket and passport.

"I don't understand how you enjoy them," he crinkled his nose.

"The only reason you don't like them is because of that one time when you were sick and threw them up," Malak replied.

"Shut up," Zayn grunted, handing the agent Malak's suitcase; they weighed the bag before tagging it and sending it off to the baggage handling.

"Your ticket, ma'am," the agent stated, placing the newly printed boarding pass and ticket on top of the counter.

Malak thanked them and slowly made her way to the security checkpoint, Zayn right on her tail.

"Are they still fighting?" she asked, not sparring the twins a glance but gesturing behind them all the same.

"It's two am," Zayn informed her. "They are currently living off on nothing but the energy drinks they had on our way here."

Malak hummed.

"So, what time is your flight?" he spoke after a moment.

"At three," she answered as they walked closer to security.

"And what time do you land?" he added.

"Seven-thirty London time, ten for you guys."

Zayn thought to himself before nodding and mumbling a quiet, "Alright."

"This is it," Malak said, considering the almost empty security checkpoints.

She's got to give it to her parents, rarely do people think of booking flights that take off later after midnight.

Malak finally peers over her shoulder and spots Ryan and Nolan arguing and talking animatedly with their hands. She waves at them and they pause, breaking into a grin and waving right back before they start right where they left off.

"See you on the other side, I guess," she turned to Zayn and smiled up at him.

"I guess," Zayn mocked, pulling Malak into a quick hug before sending her off towards one of the many checkpoints.

Behind them, Ryan shrieked. "FILS DE PUTE!" he exclaimed and Nolan gasped.


-ˋˏ dscrd!ˎˊ-

𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒, dreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora