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"Sherlock?" I shout out to my best friend.
I have no idea where he could be in this flat.

"In here, John!" He yells back, weakly.

I walk into the living room with the tray of tea and biscuits, and see Sherlock wrapped up tightly in his dressing gown and blankets. He looks deathly pale and seems to be burning up.

"God Sherlock! Are you on drugs again?" I say, exasperated.

"No, John. I haven't been feeling well. I don't know what it is but I feel like there is a fire in me. It feels like I'm burning. It hurts."

"It looks like you are!"

I set the tea down carefully and walk over to him. I put my hand on his forehead and quickly yank it back as his forehead gives I and oven type burn, maybe even hotter.

"Sherlock! Your temperature is way above normal. I don't know how you are even alive."

I turn around and ponder about what to do, and immediately turn back as a loud thump interrupts my thoughts.

Sherlock is laying on the floor, knocked out. His cheek rests on the cold wood, and his back facing me. He must have tried to get up. I walk over to help him up, and I realize there are two large bulges, emerging near his shoulder blades.

Carefully, I pull down the back of his dressing gown and gasp, to see two scaly, rather large, red wings.

I throw his dressing gown back on his back, and try to lift him up to the couch, only succeeding in flipping him over.

I move away to grab the phone, but his eyes open.

Not his eyes.

Dragon eyes.

Swirling gold and red, with black slits, stare at me. I try to move but find myself mesmerized. He closes his eyes again, and reopens them, they are now his normal icy blue ones.

He jumps up. Attitude completely contradictory to what he was like a few moments ago. His skin had gone back to its normal peach tan, and when he turned around, there were no more large bulges, of the wings I saw previously.

I must have been hallucinating. That can be the only explanation.

But how could you explain that?!

Becoming The Dragon Inside- Watty's 2k15Where stories live. Discover now