Do you see what I see?

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I Watch Sherlock walk into his bedroom and shut the door. I can't believe what I just saw. There is no way. I haven't slept well the past few days with the baby crying, I must have been hallucinating from the lack of sleep.

I sit in the couch and pick up one of the strawberry scones that Mrs. Hudson taught me how to make when I lived here, because God knows you can't count on Sherlock for anything. I chuckle softly as an image of Sherlock making biscuits enters my head. That would be tragic, for the biscuits.

I decide to head to Mycroft's work, and tell him about his brother.
When I get there, a sudden sickly feeling comes to my stomach, and I run to the toilets. I feel like I am going to pass out. I look in the mirror and discover that my hair has become slightly red, long, and curly. I also realize I have shrunk a foot, and my feet feel as if they are going to burst out of my shoes. When I blink, all of the symptoms reverse. Ok, I know I wasn't imagining that. Or was I? I don't have much time to think because the restroom door opens, and in comes Mycroft himself.

"John, what are you doing here? Did my brother set you up for something?" He asks me with a quizzical look on his face.

"No, Mycroft. I need to talk to you about something."

"Ok well just ask Anthea to show you to my office, I'll be there, well after you know..." He says waving me off.

I nod curtly, my face flushed, and leave the restroom, walking to the front desk. I see the girl who was in the car when I met Mycroft the first time, who surprisingly, does not have her nose in her phone. I assume this is Anthea.

"Umm.. Hello, Mycroft told me to ask you , where his office is?" I say asking her.
She stands.

" Of course. Right this way."

She leads me down a few hallways, her heels clicking against the tile, pristine white floor. She sits me in a large office, filled with artifacts, files, and miscellaneous items from different countries.

I sit on the comfy chair in front of what I presume, is Mycroft's desk. Not moments later, he returns.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about John? I don't have much time." He says, looking bored.

"I know. Something happened this morning, with your brother, and also with me before you came in the bathroom. It is worrying me."

"What happened John?"

"This morning when I brought Sherlock biscuits and tea, he was pale, and had a very bad fever. I couldn't feel his forehead without burning my hand. When he flipped off the couch, he had bulges on his back and they were wings. I succeeded in flipping him over and then he opened his eyes, well they weren't his eyes, Mycroft. They were weird, like reptilian. Then he just jumped up like everything was perfectly normal and went to his room. Then in the bathroom, I had a similar experience, except shrunk a foot and had largish feet. "

Mycroft looks at me nervously.

"M-maybe you should just go home and get s-some rest... You're probably sleep deprived.." He looks more nervous by the second. "Anthea, will you please show John out?"

"Yes, sir."

I am shown out of his office. Why was he acting so weirdly? Does he know something?
I need to find out.

There is one thing I know though.

I need to get back to Sherlock.

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