"Where we sitting today," Joe asked, already knowing where he wanted to be sitting. It was getting harder for us to stay committed to the past. Our table was waiting with our friends and teammates. Then there was the guiding light pulling us toward our girls.

"Let's go," I sighed. I was already making my way to the table where Heather, Cam and, most importantly, Blaine were sitting. I slid into the spot Cam had made for me, and instantly wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Hey," she chirped, as I kissed her cheek.


"St. Peter sounds like they're going to be a challenge," Cam spoke, looking between me and Joe. "Undefeated regular season and slaughtering everyone they faced so far in the postseason."

"Someone's been studying." Joe smiled across the table at the guy who hadn't said more than a greeting in passing. Blaine said that he had been against the whole plan for her to join the team. Clearly, he was tired of always being on the outside. Especially now that he was lowkey dating a player of his own.

"You guys can take 'em," Heather encouraged. "With that powerhouse offense, you're unstoppable."

"Remember that you jinxed us with those very words," Blaine threatened. I pulled her back, tucking close to my side.

"Clam down, Laine," I whispered into her hair.

"Cam's right," she hissed back. "St. Peter has been killing it this year, and we've got to face them in two days. A bye-week didn't give us enough time to bounce back after the last few games. If these linemen are the giants people are making them out to be, we're going to get our asses kicked."

"Breathing is usually a key part of calming down. Mind trying it?"

"I'm serious, Finn."

"Me, too. I know getting worked up over things that haven't happened yet is a Lester family trait, but do you mind toning it down? Some of us are trying to stay positive."

The disappointed thin set of her lips made me smile. She was trying her best now to keep the negativity to a minimum. It wasn't working though. Any minute now and it would all start up again. The panicked ramblings of her fears would consume the afternoon and probably continue until well after practice.

Now, that she was a regular player during the postseason the stakes were that much higher for her. The defiance was going to earn her some trouble at the end of it all. If she couldn't maintain the focus and determination needed to be on the field, she would lose any reputation she had built of being a worthy quarterback. There was such much riding on these next three games that she was too wound up to see beyond the next day.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Watching Shand and Lucas argue over who gets to play as the Patriots. Do you have a better offer?"

"I'm pretty sure it will be. I'll pick you up around six?"

"Sounds good." That brilliant smile returned as she leaned a little closer. "Where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"When have I ever liked surprises, Finn?"

"I'm planning on changing your mind about those." I kissed her cheek, my hand sliding to rub her back. "Wear something you don't mind getting messy."

"That's all I get?"

"My company isn't enough?"

"Can you two stop being gross," Heather teased as Joseph whispered something in her ear. She squirmed in her seat, giggles slipping from her as he nuzzled her neck.

"Can you two stop being gross," I threw back at her only for Blaine to elbow me. My hand extended across the table. The words caught in my throat when her lips met mine. The fact that teachers were judging, ready to jump on us for such a display that was against school policy. It was strange knowing that she was the one pushing the limits for a change. Risking detention to get me to shut up.

She was becoming a fearless girl. Someone who will become a force to reckon with. Any man or woman who got in her way better be strong enough to withstand the storm they were facing. She was going to change the world. One obstacle after another. She'd conquer them all and I wouldn't want anything more than to cheer her on for a change.


"Finnigan," Shane shouted as he opened the door. His eyes roamed over me and I watched as his brows jumped in surprise. "You look like a bum."

"It's jeans and a tee. Nothing bum about it," I shoved past him. "Where's Lainy?"

"In her room. I think I heard her shouting at something."

"And you didn't go check on her?"

"I'm not an idiot. If she's cursing it's safer to stay right here." He plopped down onto the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table.

"Do at least know what she was mad about?"

"Not a clue," Luke chimed in as he came in from the kitchen. "Dude. You know there's holes in your shirt? I can see your nipple."

"Are you checking me out? Damn. You Lester's are really a close knit family."

"Fuck off," he growled. A hand glided across my lower back. I looked down to see Blaine stepping into place beside me.


"Hey. You ready? Your brother's making me uncomfortable."

"Are you hitting on my man, big brother? I thought we talked about this."

"Can you leave now," Luke crumbled while swapping the bowl of chips for a controller.

"Come on," I whispered into the dark waves. "We've got places to go."

She told her brother not to wait up, which only made Luke start to protest. Something about it being a school night and other lines their parents should have used at some point. We were out the door before he could come after us. Her hand was wrapped around mine as she dragged me to the car. Spinning around on her heel, she started to walk backwards She pulled me closer as the corner of her perfect lips turned upward.

"Are you going to kiss me?"

"Right here and now?"

"Are you chicken," she mused, her footsteps in sync with mine. Each one forward making hers move backwards. Her body swayed as her arms wrapped around my waist.

"Does your brother know about this wild side of yours?"

"He does. And let me tell you, he's not thrilled about it." The grin matched the glint in her eyes as she stopped short of hitting my car. "I don't give a damn though. I want to enjoy everything life has to offer me. If that means staying out past curfew then bring out the late nights. Kissing a boy that I'm crazy about, I'm going to make it happen. Having a few drinks with my teammates will become a tradition."

"This new you is impressive, but don't get rid of the old you. She's pretty fun, too."

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