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-Wyatt P.O.V.-

We arrived at the house about an hour later. It was pretty huge(A/N hehe). Looks like some stuff from the suburbs.

"Well, what do you think?" Marquise said gleefully.

"It's a nice house." I said. I mean what did he expect me to say?

"Hold on y'all, imma call me son so he can help you guys with the luggage," He said while pulling out his phone. "Jaylin viens dehors." It was silent on the other end. "Qu'est-ce que je t'avais dit?? amène ton cul dehors. je ne demanderai plus" he yelled and hung up.

All of a sudden a tall male with curly hair came outside with an attitude. Marquise hopped out the car and opened the door for my mom.

"Jaylin, this is Wyatt. Wyatt this is Jaylin. From now on you guys would be step brothers and you guys will treat each other with respect." Marquise said.

"Hi, I hope we become besties for life." I said cheerfully while reaching my hand out for him to shake.

He looked at my hand like it had a disease. "personne blanche" He said while ignoring my hand and opening the back door.

I hope he said something nice

Jaylin walked past me with one on my bags. "You better help white boy, this ain't no white privilege." He said earning him a slap upside the head by Marquise.

"se comporter." Marquise said sternly.

I wish I knew the language they were speaking.

"So everyone," my mom started", I hope this new change isn't too much for everyone. I know it's going to be weird at first but I promise you'll get used to it. It's kinda fun trying new things and meet new people. Right Jaylin?" My mom said but there was no response. My all turned towards the door and Jaylin already had walked back in the house.

"He'll come through. He BETTER come through." Marquise said seriously.

"Just give him time." My mom said while kissing him

Well this was a awesome greeting. I thought sarcastically.


Hello everyone, I hope you're all staying safe and wearing your masks 😷

I know that I'm going to get only a little of reads but writing is my passion so I'm going to keep doing what makes me happy. Hopefully you guys will see how far I'll come. Stay safe.❤️

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