
      Flynn and I were in his room. I was yelling at him to stand straight as I buttoned up his suit and he was grumbling, saying he was sixteen and not a child, and I rolled my eyes at his words. No matter how old Flynn was, the desire to help him and attend to him was always there. Not because it was my job, but because Flynn was my best friend.

     "This is your first official ball," I said, stepping back as I admired how he looked. In his black suit and hair swept back, he looked dashing. And meeting his eyes again, I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. His golden crown shone on his head and I was reminded of who I was. "What's it like to officially be a prince of age."

     To my surprise, Flynn grew solemn. As he stared at his reflection in his mirror and adjusted his crown, I frowned. I'd never seen Flynn anything but full of smiles and witty remarks.

     "I guess it's fun. I live a very privileged life," Flynn said. "But yet, I feel chained. I feel trapped as the Prince of Graythorne."

     "Why?" I asked.

     "It just feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I'm only sixteen, but I'm constantly reminded that at twenty-one I need to take over this entire kingdom. My parents are too strict with me and I feel like even though I'm so young, I'm expected to act like an adult."

     My eyes widened at Flynn's honest response. In the two years we'd known each other, Flynn had been nothing but bubbly and the one to gloat about being a prince. Not once had he hinted at any misery, so my heart sunk at how solemn he grew.

     "That's a lot of pressure," I said, unsure of how to cheer him up.

     "It is," Flynn said, sighing.

     He turned to face me then, smiling a bit as our eyes met. I brushed back my caramel coloured hair, feeling nervous. As Flynn smiled down at me, his eyes gentle, I cursed myself for feeling butterflies. All Flynn had to do was look at me and suddenly, butterflies would explode in my stomach.

     "Thank you for listening to me be spoiled and talk about my life being hard when I'm a prince," Flynn said, laughing. "You've been a great friend. And I hope for the many more years to come, we continue to be friends."

     I smiled at Flynn's kind words. Disappointment swelled up in me at the word friend, but I pushed the feeling away. As his servant, I shouldn't expect more.


     I stood alone in the giant ballroom by the snack table. My eyes were scanning the room, taking in how beautiful the ballroom was. It was a golden colour, filled with tapestries of Flynn's ancestors and in the very centre of the room was a giant, golden chandelier. Beneath the chandelier was a dance floor and dozens of royal couples were dancing together in pairs.

     Staring at the couples who danced, I was mesmerized by the scene before me. The couples looked so in love. They were staring into each other's eyes, only a few inches apart, and they twirled around the dance floor gracefully.

     And as I stared at the dance floor, I wondered how my life would be if I was royalty. If I'd been born into a different family, would I be able to dance at balls? Would I be thought of as more?

     "Helena, please save me," Flynns said, rushing over to my side.

     His eyes were full of panic and I smiled at the sight of him rushing to my side. His suit had come undone and his coat was falling off, and I shook my head. Although Flynn was born a prince, he was rarely very prince-like.

     "What happened?" I asked, once Flynn reached me.

    "My mom is trying to get me to dance with annoying Natasha," Flynn said, groaning. "And I will absolutely not give her any ideas. A simple dance will make her want to marry me!"

     I laughed and shook my head, remembering the stubby blonde who often clung to Flynn at events. Queen Astoria thought they'd be a cute pair, but Flynn was confident that Natasha would drive him insane.

     "Why don't you dance with me?" Flynn asked. "Just so everyone else can leave me alone. I really rather not dance with anyone else."

     My heart skipped a beat at his request. Blush rushed into my cheeks and I cursed myself.

    "Are you sure you want to dance with me?" I asked. My heart was pounding, yearning this, but something didn't feel right. "I'm your servant."

     "Who cares," Flynn said, frowning. "You're my friend and I would love to dance with you."

     Flynn grew serious, his eyes looking so sincere my heart skipped a beat. And stepping forward, I gave in.

    "Okay," I said. "I'll dance with you."

    Flynn extended a hand out towards me and I took it gently in mine. He pulled me forward and led me to the dance floor and I whirled to face him, smiling as he placed his other hand on my waist. He stood close to me. Only a few inches away. And I gulped, feeling my heart pound at how close we were.

     And suddenly, we were dancing. Flynn led me and we were twirling across the dance floor, perfectly in synch. My green eyes were locked on Flynn's hazel eyes, and I smiled as we danced. Flynn's face was serious - so serious, I gulped. And as we danced, I felt his grip on my hips tightened and I let out a small gasp.

     "Helena! Flynn!" Queen Astoria called, causing us to stop dancing.

     Flynn and I stopped moving and Flynn was still holding my hand as Queen Astoria marched over to where we stood. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her mouth set in a grim line as she stared at us. I'd been over the moon a moment ago, but now dread filled me.

     "Helena, why did you leave the snack table!" Queen Astoria scolded. "Guests are waiting to be served and there's now a mess of snacks on the ground! Go sweep it up."

     Flushing, embarrassment washed over me. Flynn let go of my hand and I let it drop to my side. I gaped at Queen Astoria, remembering who exactly I was. I wasn't the princess I imagined myself to be in Flynn's arm. I was a servant. I was someone who Flynn could never care about.

     "Sorry," I said. "I'll clean the mess up immediately."

    "Good," Queen Astoria said, whirling around.

     The Queen stormed off and I stared after her, feeling my heart sink as realization dawned on me. On the dance floor, I'd been so happy. So free. But with the Queen's words, I was reminded of who I was.

     "Do you need help?" Flynn asked.

     "No," I interjected. "I'm a servant and your'e a prince. Let me do my job."

     I didn't wait for Flynn to respond as I rushed off and went to the snack table. And as I swept up the mess on the ground, I thought about how Flynn and I were from two different worlds. He was a prince and I was his servant, and we could never be. Flynn could never love me and he never would.

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