Part 35

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"Yeah he's a fucking hot ass idiot! I told him that he wasn't okay and the idiot just said he was!" Kian shouts pacing. Luciano sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.


"Go wait in the meeting room"

"M-meeting room!? My fucking uncle's is in the doctors wing and you want me in the meeting room. Sorry not happening. Now what happened?" Sage asked earning a glare from Luciano which he ignores.

"He got shot"

"How? Who? Where?" Akira storms down the hall seething. 

Kian glances up at the scarily tall male.

"Uhm, a gun? Some dead dude..Hampton Avenue"

Akira and Sage balls his fists up.

"Where's my uncle!" Another dude storms over. He was the shorter one of the bunch.

"Where is he!?"

"Sleep Angelo"

"Was" They all turn to the door. Luciano glares at the doctor.

"Why is he up?!" He growls. 

"H-he doesn't listen"

"Izaiah Dexter go lay your ass back down"

Izaiah merely rolls his eyes.

"Go lay down! You're hurt!" The three exclaims.

"I'm fine. Where's Forest?"

"Sleep. He cried himself to sleep because you just passed out in the middle of getting in the house" Kian huffs. 


"Go lay down" Sage orders. Akira stands in front of Izaiah blocking him from moving any further.

"Go lay down" 

Izaiah glances up at him then stares at his chest drumming his finger against his thigh.

"Izaiah if you do what I think you're about to do....You're in trouble" Luciano decides. Izaiah freezes at that. He sighs out. He was just gonna kick the side of his knee so he fell then walked around him.


"Thank you now go lay down until you're better"

"I'm better"

"No you're not! You just got up!" His nephews exclaims.

"...You got three seconds" Luciano warns.

"I'm not-"




"Fine!" He storms to the bed huffing. Luciano grins satisfied his plan works. 

"Those books payed off" he says to Kian before walking into the room. Kian grins and follows. 

"Where's my dog?"

Kian leaves the room.


Kian whines and goes in.

"Fine. Its in the car the shits fucking scary"

"Go get my dog"

"M-me! The one scared of THE dog. Not Akira. Crybaby....second baby"

"I'm not a crybaby!" Both Sage and Angelo exclaims.

"Then I'm getting my dog" Izaiah goes to get up but Luciano sends him a glare then Kian a glare.

"Go get the damn dog before I be the one to hurt you"

Kian throws his head up and storms out. 

"Is he okay doc?"

"Uhm," The doctor looks betweens Izaiah's glare and Luciano's and the three mens glare.

'Who do I want to die by?' He asks himself glancing between them.

"Well, from the gunshot wound he is a-okay. I was able to get the bullet out and patch him right up"

"What else?"


"What. Else?"

'This is really how I'm gonna die'

"Okay. Uhm well it seems he has-oh look a dog"

Kian runs in cursing.

"Get your dog!"

Izaiah whistles and the dog jumps on the bed lay beside him.

"Go get him some food and water"



"Okay" Kian blush and leave quickly.

"Oh what kinda dog is that?"

"Patch him up" Izaiah orders.

"Sure" Anything to have Boss forget.

"What else Doctor?" Luciano grows impatient.

Izaiah sends the doctor a glare.

Akira points a gun to his head.

"He asked a question"

"I-I-he has uhm" Izaiah now points a gun at his head.

"So either way I'm dying"

"Precisely" Izaiah cocks a brow.

"And I'll be here to lick your blood" Angelo giggles putting a knife to his throat.

"So choose wisely" He smirks crossing his leg.

They all glare at him and he gulps sweating.

"Uhm.." he thinks hard about this. If he's dying anyway. He could just tell them then boom he's dead but at least they know what Izaiah's issue is. But maybe he could talk his way out of this he has family.

"C-can we just-I hav family. A-a a little boy. He's the sweetest thing I swear. I-I I don't know what he'll do if I just leave him"

"He has a mom" Sage sneers.

"Uh well no she...we-its-we got a divorce because she cheated so-so I-he stays with me" He stutters.

"Izaiah put the gun down and let him talk"

"Okay" The man sighs in relief.

Izaiah snaps and the dog starts snarling in his face making him whine.

"I'm gonna die ain't I?"

"Its easy doc just tell us what's wrong with our uncle" Angelo says.


"I will cut your throat right now! What is wrong with our uncle!"

"Just do it" Sage says being the one not to talk and just act.

"...hesbeen-" He couldn't get to finish before Izaiah kicked Angelo's hand, making the knife go in his throat.  

He then taps his dog and he attacks him.

"Damn it!" The three shouts glaring at Izaiah who sends them a small smirk closing his eyes.

"What the hell is he talking about Izaiah?"

"I don't know. Ask him"

"We would! But the bastards getting his heart dug out by a dog!" Sage growls.

"Aw. Not my problem"

Luciano sighs rubbing his forehead. He grabs the clipboard off the floor and Izaiah shoots it two times making him drop it.


"papa drop it"

Luciano's eyes widen since Izaiah usually either say Lucian or Luciano.



"For now" He says to the three who huffs.

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