Chapter 4 - Another chance

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I'm so thankful that we are almost to a hotel. My feet are aching and my head is hurting from walking almost an hour under the sun. I can't imagine what Sarah is going through. Her fault tho, she decided to wear a tight itchy dress and high heels and she refused to take them off. Hopefully, I'm wearing a comfortable pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with sneakers.

"Waw, this hotel is so beautiful." Anna says. The view here is amazing. It's heaven on earth but that must cost a tone of cash to stay in here.

"Yeah but I don't think we can stay here. It has to be expensive." 

We enter the lobby and just like I expected the decor is all modern just like the outside. I don't think people ever sit or use them. Everything looks brand new. 

Oh my god we really are ruining the view, especially me my hair looks so bad like I didn't brush it in a week. Sarah's makeup has moved from all the sweating. Hopefully I don't wear make up.

"Hi." I say to the guy standing behind the front desk, wearing a suit. He was doing something on the laptop, then he looks at us smiling.

"Hello. Welcome to shutters on the beach." He replies.

"We want to take a room for the two of us. Is there any available?" Anna asks him.

"So you didn't book one, I guess." he says. 



"One minute and I'll look for you." he says, eyeing the screen again.

"Yes, there is a suite if you want." he says.

"How much it will cost us for one night?" Anna asks him.

"650 dollars." he replies smiling, and I almost cough in his face.

What the hell? Are you fucking kidding me? Do we look like rich girls? Who wants to waste their money for a room?

"Actually, we came from Tulsa to work in a hotel but the hotel we came to is closed. Can we find one that suits us to stay in in here?" She adds.

"No, I'm sorry. There is in downtown but here no." he says, making an apologetic expression. I look at Anna and she looks to the ground and makes a poor face.

"Okay, thank you." I reply, taking my bag to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute." He calls us from behind and we turn to face him and we come back there.

"In this period, they are employing new workers in the hotel. I can help you if you want." He says.

"Really?" I say, almost jumping from my place from excitement.

"Yeah, you know, that channel 'The CW' is throwing a party just around here and most of the actors are staying here. So there is extra work. My boss is gone for two hours when she comes back I can take you to talk to her."

"Thank you so much! We'll wait outside then.. But we can't take with us our luggage, can we put them here?" Sarah asks him. 

"Yeah, sure." he says, giving us a genuine friendly smile. I like this guy so much. He seems good.

"Girl, look at our chance. We are so lucky." she says, smiling like a fool.

"Yeah, I almost lost hope." 

"We have two hours let's go to the beach." We get out of the hotel and stand on the street.

"Ugh." I don't like the beach. Not exactly the water or the sand or the whole nature but I'm not comfortable wearing a bikini it's not that I hate my body, I simply am not the kind of person who feels comfortable baring loads of flesh infront of all these people that I don't know.

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