(15)Unexpected visitor

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I need to get you home then I'm going to ncis." Gibbs drove his truck into a side road to take Jack back to her house.

"No I don't think so, at least not until you tell me what McGee said, I have the right to know." Jack said in a calm yet demanding voice as she took the key out of the ignition.


"Tell me Gibbs!" She said matching the tone of his voice.

"Aright, McGee said Adams wasn't at his office or home and that they need to give me a sit-rep. Happy now?" Gibbs looked frustrated at her with his hand out for the key.

"Not yet Cowboy, what makes you think I'll be safe at my house? He knows where I live?"

*Sigh* "True what about my house? Don't think he knows where I live." Gibbs said.

"Why not Ncis? I what's safer than the navy yard?"

"Because... Yes you need to be safe but you also need to rest Jack, we both know if you're at ncis you will just keep on working it."

"You're probably right but so what if I do keep working, it's not going to kill me!"

"Jack you don't understand... I.. when you collapsed in my arms I was scared, I thought for a moment I was gonna lose you again, there I said it ya happy?" Gibbs looked as if he had just told a painful secret that had been eating at him.

"Oh honey don't think like that. If you think I'll be safer at your house then take me there, I trust you Cowboy." Jack leaned in close and said. "And love you." Before kissing him on the cheek.

Gibbs smiled then said "I love you too." He kissed Jack back then he put his arms around her and kissed her again this time on the lips.

Jack kissed back and put her arm around him. "Gibbs! Oh you!" She broke away from the embrace.

Gibbs smiled holding the key he took from Jack when they kissed. He starts the truck and drives to his house.

"But you better bring back information about the case and Chinese food for lunch." Jack said, gently hitting Gibbs' shoulder.

"Yes ma'am." Gibbs smiled.

A while later when they got to his house Gibbs parked the truck then they walked inside the house.

"Okay let's see I hid a gun in the top drawer here." Gibbs points to a side table by his arm chair. "And one in my bedroom taped to under the table by the bed, just in case."

"Thanks Cowboy." Jack said as they stood in the living room near the door.

"Do you need anything else before I go?" Gibbs walked to the door

"Um... no I can't think of anything.. Oh maybe a goodbye kiss?"

"Oh can't forget that." Gibbs gave Jack a quick kiss then opened the door, as he walked out he said. "Lock the door."

"I thought you didn't do that?"

"Didn't need to before, didn't have anything worth stealing or keeping safe."

"And now ya do?" Jack asked.

"Yeah you." Gibbs smiled and walked to his tuck.

"Oh Gibbs..." Jack said to herself as she closed and locked the front door.


"Okay what do we have on Adams!" Gibbs said as he walked from the elevator and to the bullpen with Nick, McGee and Bishop at their desks.

"Hey boss you didn't drop Jack off at her house did ya?"

"No McGee, took her to my house. Why?"

"Good because we found this at Nathan Adams house." McGee handed the photo they found to Gibbs.

"That's from last night! Give me that sit rep now!" Gibbs said when he looked at the photo of him and Jack walking in her house last night.

"On it Gibbs." Bishop said as she turned the plasma on. "As you can see his office was normal and he..."

"What about his house?" Gibbs asked impatiently.

"We checked it out he wasn't there but we well..Bishop found more photos of Jack and his Lincoln wasn't in the garage so we put out a BOLO for his car." McGee informed Gibbs.

Nick just got off the phone then he said. "That was Nathan's bank, they said he withdrew his savings account."

"That's not good." Bishop said looking at her computer. "Guys I think he's going to leave the country."

"What do you mean Bishop?" McGee asked.

"An hour before he went to the bank he bought a plane ticket to Mexico."

"Torres you and Bishop go to Dulles airport..."

*Ring* Ring* Gibbs' phone began to ring so he answered it. "This is Gibbs."

"Oh good Jethro this is your neighbor Ruth Parker I'm calling because.." the old woman on the phone said.

"Mrs Parker can this wait?" Gibbs asked.

"I don't think so, someone was in your house."

"Mrs Parker that's just my friend Jack..."

"I know she's your friend we met before, I meant the man who asked me if I knew you and if I knew if you were home. I just thought you should know."

"What does he look like?" Gibbs asked.

"Um.. let's see... oh right he was probably about 35, white, green eyes, dark brown hair and he drove an expensive car maybe a lincoln."

"Oh no.." Gibbs looked at the plasma and at the man he knew Mrs Parker was describing.

"Jethro are you alright? You do know this man don't you?"

"Yes Mrs Parker I do." He ended the call and said to his team. "Change of plans we're going to my house." Gibbs walked to the elevator with McGee, Bishop and Torres right behind him.


"Oh Gibbs..." Jack said to herself as she closed and locked the front door.

Jack made some coffee for herself then when it was done she brought her mug to the coffee table, she walked to the couch and she sat down. "Wonder if there's anything good on?" Jack asked herself as she turned on the tv and began checking the different channels, she found something and got comfortable on the couch. Jack started drifting off to sleep.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Jack woke up and walked to the door when she opened it, she said. "What are you doing here?"

How to say "I love you"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora