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"Fashonably late as usual, Andre," Penny called when she saw them approaching. 

"Hello everyone, Andre Egwu, Style-Wizard at your service," he said with a flamboyant bow. "Today, accompanied by my lovely assistant, Miss Sarah Spellman."

Sarah gave an awkward wave. 

"Get on with it, Egwu. Are you making me an outfit for my ambassadorship or not?" asked Merula. 

"I'm willing to offer my talents to each of you lucky friends, but first I'd like to ask you a few questions about your style. It'll help me design the perfect outfit. Sarah will help me. Make sure you answer honestly, now. I want everything to be just right."

Sarah spent an uncomfortable half hour interrogating her friends with confusing questions. She listened and tried to ask them things similar to Andre.

"What will your date be wearing? I'd hate for your clothes to clash. How much do you enjoy gobstones? Knowing your hobbies helps me get a feel for your style. Would you say you are attracted to people with long, blonde hair? Every detail helps!"

"Is that enough questions?" Chiara asked at last. "No offense, but I don't see how this will help with our outfits."

"Yeah, a lot questions seem to revolve around Sarah," added Talbott. 

Andre flinched. "That's because...because..."

"Because Andre is styling my outfit too!" said Sarah. "He wants us all to look great together."

"Yes, that's it!" said Andre.

Merula rolled her eyes. "Of course, everything's always about Spellman."

"Wait, you are  going to the festival?" asked Barnaby. 

"Of course she is," said Andre. "So if uh, anyone was planning on asking her, they better do so soon."

Sarah felt herself blushing. 

 "This is rubbish. I'm going to dinner," said Merula. She walked up to stand in Andre's face and added, "My outfit better be as great as you promised, Egwu," before stomping off. 

The rest of their friends dispersed as well, Penny making sure to tell Andre, "My favorite color is yellow!" before heading inside. 

"Well, that didn't work," said Sarah once she and Andre were alone. 

"And now I've got seven more outfits to style!" said Andre. "I've got to go! I'll be working all night."

"What about my secret admirers?" 

"Sorry, I did my best. You'll just have to ask someone out for yourself." Then he was gone. 

Sarah sighed. It looked like she would be the only one going to the festival alone. 

Heading back to the courtyard, she stopped short after she passed the fountain at the sound of her name. 

"Barnaby? What are you still doing out here?"

"I wanted to ask you about what just happened," he said. "I'm really confused."

Sarah gave a small groan, then decided it was best to confess. "Andre really is making you all outfits, but the questions were for me. I have a secret admirer, but I don't know who it is."

Barnaby was giving her an odd look. 

"You don't know anything about that, do you?" she asked. 

He cleared his throat. "Uh, yes actually. I know who he is."

"Really? Who?"

He gave a shy smile. "I'll give you a hint...he's had a crush on you for quite a while, he's got green eyes exactly like mine, and his name rhymes with Smarnaby Smee."

Sarah laughed, he heart lifting with each word he spoke. "Wonder who that could be?"

"It's me!" he said. 

"What about Millie Stratham?" Sarah asked. "I though you asked her to the festival."

"She asked me," said Barnaby. "Lots of people asked me. But you were the only person I wanted to go with..."

"So, you didn't just find the note in potions, you planted it?"

"No, that one wasn't me. I wanted to ask you to the dance that day after lessons, but then you found the note. I overheard Tonks and Tulip talking about how romantic it was and how you should go with whoever left it, so I knew I had to act fast and leave you a note as well so you'd choose me instead. When I saw you at the three broomsticks, I wrote you a poem and sent it with a butterbeer."

"You wrote the poem. That actually makes sense," she laughed. 

"I was pretty proud of it," he said. "But then, I heard from Penny that you didn't want a date, and when you didn't respond to my poem, I figured it meant you didn't fancy me anymore. You told me you'd go with the right person, and I guess that person isn't me anymore."

"You sent the note anonymously, Barnaby! I couldn't reply because I didn't know who it was from!"

"Crikey, did I not? I'm terrible at this stuff!" He looked at her with worry.

"I didn't make it easy for you," Sarah said. "I really was planning on going dateless to the festival, just because I didn't want to be the only couple again. But then, I saw you with Millie and I was devastated. I realized you were the person I wanted to go with more than anything, but I figured it out too late."

Barnaby smiled and took her hand. "You're the only person I've wanted to date since the celestial ball. You're the only one I've wanted to date...ever. It's not too late. Will you be my date?" He squeezed her hand excitedly. "Hey, another poem! Maybe I should become a poet if Magizoology doesn't work out."

Sarah laughed. "Of course I'll be your date."

He grinned, then tilted his head, thinking. "I guess whoever sent that note with the gobstone will be disappointed."

"Someone sent a note with a sugar quill, too. I'm guessing that wasn't you?"

"No! If I was going to send you candy, I'd have sent you Fizzing Whizbees."

"Those are my favorite," she said. 

"Exactly," said Barnaby. "So, I guess two people will be disappointed to know I'm your date. Do you think we should keep it a secret again? Like on Valentine's Day?"

"Rubbish!" She was tired of all the guesswork and uncertainty. "I want everyone to know you're my date."

His face flushed with happiness. "Great. I'm glad this has all worked out. Should we go get dinner now?"

"You go ahead. I'm going to go see if Andre needs any help. He's working on our date outfits right now."

"I have everything I need for our date right here," he said, stepping in close to push a strand of hair from her face.

Blushing, she gave his hand a final squeeze and trotted off calling, "I'll see you at the festival!"

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