Mystery Dates

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At the end of lessons, Sarah decided to walk down to Hogsmeade. One of the advantages of the outdoor celebrations was that older students were allowed to visit Hogsmeade every day. She'd heard Penny was in the pub campaigning, and she wanted her opinion on the love note. 

Before heading out, she went up to her dormitory to change from her hot robes to one of her lightest outfits, a summery dress in Gryffindor's colors. She also put her long hair in a high ponytail to get it off her neck, and tied a scarf around her head for a headband. 

She felt considerably better when she stepped back out into the sun. She hoped whatever outfit Andre was designing for her would also keep a lot of her skin uncovered. Most of her outfits were considerably warmer. It was Scotland, after all. 

When she arrived at the Three Broomsticks, she found it bustling with students, glad of an opportunity to relax with a butterbeer after lessons. She also noticed several couples sitting alone at corner tables. Preparing for the upcoming festival, no doubt. 

The room was clearly divided. To her left, Merula sat a table surrounded by supporters, most of them Slytherins. To her right, she saw Penny standing with a large group of their friends, and plenty of people Sarah didn't know. 

Sarah was thinking of a way to pull Penny away from her supporters for a private word, when Tonks called to her. 

"Wotcher, Sarah! Come sit over here."

As Sarah headed toward her, she caught a glimpse of familiar, spiky-brown hair. Barnaby was sitting in a corner booth having a butterbeer. Across from him sat a Slytherin girl Sarah didn't recognize. Sarah felt her pulse quicken, and a weight settle over her heart. 

"What's up with you?" asked Tonks when Sarah sat down opposite her.

"Nothing," she said quickly. "Who's that girl sitting with Barnaby?"

Tonks peered over at them. "Dunno," she said. "Some girl he's asking to the festival, I expect. Speaking of, have you got a date yet?"

"No," she said, much more gloomily than she'd intended. 

"I have," said Tonks proudly. "Tulip's going with this bloke in Ravenclaw named Devon, who's got a friend named Alexi. We're gonna double-date it."

"Great," said Sarah. "I'm happy for you."

"You don't sound happy," said Tonks. 

"I am," she insisted. "It's just that now, it looks like I'm the only one of our friends who doesn't have a date for the festival."

Tonks grinned. "Well, maybe not for long." She slid a butterbeer across the table to her. Attached to it was a pink envelope. It's seal had already been broken. 

"It's a love note!" said Tonks. "Looks like you've got a secret admirer."

Sarah groaned. "Another one?"

"Another one? I don't know why you're upset, apparently people are going to have to fight over you for a date."

Sarah examined the envelope. "You've already read it? What happened to staying out of my romantic life?"

Tonks grinned. "At least I didn't drink your butterbeer! Rosmerta gave it to me and told me someone had left a note at her bar and money to pay for the drink. She left it to me to give to you."

Sarah pulled out the note and read it allowed. "Have a butterbeer. And be my date, dear!"

"Gross," said Tonks. "Whoever they are, they're rubbish at poetry."

"The only person I know who's interested in poetry is Talbott," said Sarah. 

"That rules him out, then."

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