The Secret Admirer

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"Wow," said Rowan. "That was crazy, even for Merula. Are you okay?" she asked Sarah. 

"Yeah, of course," she said, though she was still stunned. 

"Good, because I'm supposed to meet with Penny before Charms so she can prepare me to ask someone to be my date for the festival."

Rowan hesitated.

"Yeah, go do that by all means," said Sarah. "I'll be fine."

Rowan smiled with relief. "Alright, I'll see you in Charms," she said. 

She hurried off, but before she was gone Sarah called, "Who are you asking?"

"You'll see if you come to the festival--with a date of your own!"

Now, Sarah was alone with Barnaby. "What was that all about with Merula? Has she gone mad?"

"I wish this was one of Snape's quiz questions, because I know the answer. Jealousy!" he said. 

"Why would Merula be jealous of me? Because I can actually find the cursed vaults?"

Barnaby tilted his head, thinking. "I think it's because she's losing in the festival ambassador race thing."

"To Penny?"

"To you!" he said. "At least, that's what everyone's been saying."

Sarah shook her head, marveling at the fact that even Barnaby knew rumors about her before she did. 

"But I'm not even trying to become a festival ambassador."

"Exactly," he said. "Everyone just likes you best." He grinned at her, and she looked down at her feet shyly. 

"Well, what do you think Merula meant about being the best festival date?" she asked. 

"Maybe she's jealous because she knows anyone would be lucky to be your date to the festival." It was his turn to be shy. "Especially anyone who's been lucky enough to be your date before." He caught her eye, smiling. "Like me. For example."

"I felt lucky to be your date too," she said quietly. 

He rubbed at the back of his neck. "Well then, maybe--"

"Oi, Sarah!" Charlie called. She jumped and looked over to see that the Gryffindors had appeared on the lawn. "You coming to Charms or what? It's down at Hagrid's!"

"I'll be right there!" she called, gathering up her bag. 

"Don't forget your note," said Barnaby. 

"My note?" she asked.

"On the ground behind you," he said, pointing. "I figured it was yours because it had your name on it."

Sarah turned to pick up the note. It was being held down by a gobstone. Putting the gobstone in the pocket of her robes, she unfolded the note and read:

                                                 I think about you gobs. Hope you'll be my festival date.

Sarah turned the note over, but there was no name. Her mind reeled. Who could have left this for her? She looked up to ask Barnaby about it, but he was gone. 

"Spellman!" Charlie called again. 

"Coming!" she called, stuffing the note in her pocket with the gobstone  and hurrying after him. 


"Welcome to your outdoors Charms class, everyone!" Flitwick called to the Gryffindors from atop one of Hagrid's giant pumpkins. "Today, obviously, we are studying in Hagrid's garden, and he has graciously allowed us to practice the reducing charm on his pumpkins. He does insist we be careful. So everyone, find a pumpkin and get to work!"

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