Big News

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Sarah was hit with a jet of sunlight and the thick heat of the air the moment she set foot in the castle courtyard. She pulled uncomfortably at her shirt collar, loosening her tie. 

She walked passed Charlie and Tonks, who were seated cross-legged on the stone floor playing Gobstones. Both of them had shed their  heavy cloaks. Tonks looked up in time to see her pass by. 

"Where are you running off to?" she asked. 

"To Hagrid's," said Sarah. She wiped the hair from her forehead and was surprised to feel beads of sweat already forming. "He's got some big news he wants to tell me."

Tonks jumped to her feet. "Sounds interesting. We'll come with you. We're just cooking ourselves sitting out here anyway."

"But, I was winning," said Charlie. Still, he got up and they both gathered up their cloaks and followed Sarah out of the courtyard. 

"Blimey," he said as they walked across the grounds, their eyes squinted due to the bright sun. "This is as warm weather as I've ever seen at Hogwarts. And it's only April."

"Pity we've gotta be cooped up in the castle most of the time so we can't enjoy it," said Tonks. "Mind you, we'd just boil alive in these black robes."

They found Hagrid working in his garden. He'd shed his thick overcoat and rolled up his shirt sleeves and trouser legs. He was bent over his vegetables and pulling weeds. 

"Hi, Hagrid," said Sarah. "What did you want to tell us about?"

He sat up and set down his trowel, wiping sweat from his brow. "Ah Sarah, great timin'. Hullo, you two," he added to Tonks and Charlie. "Perfect, I'll need all the help I can get."

"Help?" said Tonks. "What exactly have we signed on for? I thought you were going to give us some juicy news."

"I was," said Hagrid. "But I've just got so much to do. And I can' get started preppin' fer the big event until I get all these weeds out o' the garden."

"What big event?" asked Charlie. "Will there be dragons?"

Hagrid bent back down over his garden. "'Fraid I can' say just now. Far too much to do."

"So, you want us to garden for you, then you'll tell us the secret?" asked Tonks in disbelief. 

Sarah laughed. "It wouldn't be the strangest thing we've done to get information," she said. To Hagrid, she asked, "How about we help you with your gardening, and while we do, you can fill us in on this big event?"

Hagrid smiled. "That'd be great."

So, the three of them set to work. Before long, all three of them had stripped off their cloaks and ties, and had their sleeves rolled up like Hagrid's. Tonks had even slipped out of her socks and shoes. It was hot, back-aching work, but still, it felt nice to be doing something outdoors. 

The warm weather brought a welcome change to Hogwarts's atmosphere. It was hard to feel the stress brought on by the impending exams and the cursed vaults when the sunlight danced on your skin. 

As they worked, Hagrid filled them in on the details of the big event that would take place the following weekend. "The weather's supposed to be real hot like this for a couple o' weeks, according to the centaurs. And the teachers felt we could all use a bit of fresh air. Kind o' a pick-me-up, what with all the bad stuff that's been happening."

Sarah tried not to think about it. More students had been trapped in paintings like Beatrice, Rowan had been possessed and attacked her--it was all starting to take it's toll on her. It was hard to be cheerful when she was reminded of the constant danger each time she walked down the corridors. Not to mention her worries about Skye being angry with her and how this hurt their chances in the upcoming quidditch final. 

A pick-me-up was just what she needed. 

"So, we're having a Celebration of Magic Outdoors," said Hagrid. 

"That's a mouthful," said Tonks. "What's it mean?"

"It means you'll be having lessons outdoors for the week, and on the weekend there'll be a festival with music and face-paintin,' and it'll all end with a dance."

"Wow, that sounds brilliant," said Tonks. 

"Yes, but will there be dragons?" asked Charlie. 

Hagrid laughed. "'Fraid not, Charlie. Can you imagine what would happen if a dragon spewed fire in this heat? The whole of the grounds would go up in smoke."

A far-off gaze crossed Charlie's face. "Excellent."

"No wonder you're busy, Hagrid," said Sarah. She stood up to toss the last weed she could see out of the garden. "Outdoor classes, a festival, and a dance? That's a lot to prepare for."

"The festival sounds the most fun to me," said Tonks. "Class outdoors is still just class"

"Yeah, the festival sounds great," said Sarah. "Playing games and getting our faces painted outside is something we've never had before."

"Thanks fer yer help in the garden, you lot," said Hagrid. "Now, I can finally get to work preppin' fer the festival."

"Do you want help with that as well?" asked Sarah. 

"No no, you've been a great hand already. I don' wanna spoil anymore surprises. You just get up to the castle." He waved at them and headed off toward the quidditch pitch, Fang barking and jumping at his heels. 

"Well, I'm not sure if it was worth all that work, but that certainly was big news," said Tonks. 

They did their best to brush the dirt off their clothes and make themselves presentable so Filch wouldn't throw a fit when they returned to the castle, but Tonks still kept her shoes and socks off. 

As they made their way back to the courtyard, a mischievous smile spread across Tonk's face. "You know what a dance means, right?"

"What?" asked Charlie. 

"Dates!" she squealed. 

Sarah scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Tonks. 

They'd entered the courtyard. Sarah kept her voice low so the students nearby wouldn't hear. "Only that last that time there was a dance at Hogwarts, you lot nearly drove me mental with all kinds of rubbish about finding a date, then at the ball it turned out I was the only person who brought one."

"I'm sensing some hostility, here," said Tonks.

"Then on my first date," Sarah continued, "You two were the ones that convinced me to go on the date, then totally ruined it."

Charlie winced. Tonks said, "Well, we may have been slightly misguided, but our hearts were in the right place."

"And let's not forget Valentine's Day," said Sarah. "When once again, all anyone seemed to care about was finding me a date, and once again I was the only person who brought one."

"What are you saying?" asked Tonks. Charlie had his lips pressed together in a vow of silence. 

"I'm saying that this time, I'm not going to let you two, or anyone else, talk me into bringing a date. It always stresses me out, and then I feel awkward being the only one with a partner." Tonks started to speak, but Sarah held up her hand. "Nope, I've made up my mind. I'm going alone, and this time, I'd like you two to stay out of my romantic life."

Charlie nodded vigorously. Tonks pondered this for a moment as they stepped across the threshold into the main entrance of the castle. Then, she broke the somewhat awkward tension. 

"I completely understand. However, I think you should consider going with--"

"Feet! Nasty, dirty feet!" came Flich's wheezing yell. Their heads all shot up to Filch's blundering from, then down to Tonks's bare feet, brown with dirt. "Nasty feet tracking dirt in for me to clean! I will not have it!"

"Uh-oh," said Tonks. "Wait up for me, will you?" 

But Sarah and Charlie stuck around just long enough to watch Filch chase Tonks back into the courtyard, her agile body dancing about to avoid Filch's flailing broom. 

Laughing, they walked into the Great Hall for study hall. 

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