The one where Gees a ~stripper~

Start from the beginning

Frank was flustered to say the least, but he stumbled up and left his drink, hoping he wouldn't return to it that night. He went to the backstage area that was open to the rest of the club, and he started searching for the red haired man in his lace up heeled boots. He finally caught a sight of the hair through a crowd and he slowly walked towards it, not having a plan for what to say or do.

The performer felt Frank eyeing him so he turned on his heels, facing him, their bodies only a few inches apart in the crowded space,  yet he was so much taller them Frank with the heels, and Frank was just kind of a short guy. In a cute way.

"Hey baby, saw you watching me up there," he smirked, leaving Frank blushing and at a loss for words. "Oh no need to be embarrassed," the taller man chuckled. Frank finally found his words,

"Sorry I uh-" why the fuck was he apologizing. God he was bad at this. He shook his head, "Yeah I uh, I really liked what you did up there, you're a good dancer." He seemed to be surprised at his compliment, Frank figured his usually just received comments about his body and nothing else.

"T-thanks," now he was the flustered one. They stood there for a moment that felt like ages before Frank asked,

"What's your name?"

"Gerard." Gerard's eyebrows furrowed as he realized he usually didn't tell people his real name. What had he gotten himself into.

"Gerard. I like it. Ooh can I call you Gee?" The cute nickname popped into his head and he thought it suit Gerard, "I'm Frank."

Gerard smiled what seemed to be a genuine smile, "Sure, I like Gee. And nice to meet you Frank, I'm not used to having real conversations with people that don't involve sex." He admitted, making both their smiles falter.

Frank wasn't quite planning on asking him to fuck, though that was half the reason he came here, "Oh yeah I bet. People can be gross sometimes." Gee seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the understanding. Another man bumped into Frank's shoulder as he turned to Gerard.

"Oh sorry," he said quickly to Frank, "Hey i'm gonna head out for the night, you have any reservations?" he must have been another performer. Gerard shook his head,

"No I was just planning on grabbing some food and heading home in a little while," He shrugged,

"Alright, well see you tomorrow," They waved to each other,

"See ya Brendon," he said,Gee turned back to Frank,

"Where were we?" he asked.

"Oh um, I could uh- do you wanna grab dinner with me? Fuck sorry if that's weird." Gerard almost laughed,

"Frank, I'm an burlesque dancer and a whore, don't take yourself too seriously. And actually, sure, I haven't been out with someone else in a while."

"Oh ok, sounds good." Frank smiled and looked into Gee's eyes. God were they gorgeous.

"Yeah, let me change real quick and i'll meet you in the parking lot." Gee was surprisingly excited about this, though he knew he should lower his expectations, Frank is probably just doing it to get him in his bed.

Frank gave a quick wave and headed out, awestruck at the interaction. He stood against his car, messing with the hem of his shirt, reaching for his phone to text someone but deciding it best to wait till tomorrow, as he really didn't know what would go down for the rest of the night, when he heard the voice above him,

"Hey," He looked up and smiled when he saw Gerard, still equally as stunning in his more comfortable clothes.

"Hey," he said softly, "Ready to go? You can pick the place." Gerard nodded and he opened the door, letting him into his nice, yet slightly messy, car. Gerard looked a bit weary, which Frank completely understood. He entered and looked around as he buckled his seatbelt. Frank got in on the other side, turning on the car and jumping slightly when rock music started blasting, "Oh shit sorry," he said as he turned it down suddenly, but Gerard's eyes were wide and bright and he was smiling,

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