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TO SAY SHE WAS NERVOUS WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT; SHE WAS TERRIFIED. Just five minutes ago she had been told to get into her dream school, she would have to fight deadly robots that were twice the size of her. Her fingers trembled as she looked at the people that stood around her. An ash blonde stood nearby, shouting at the people nearby. He growled, looking back only to meet her meek stare.

"What the hell are you looking at, extra?!" he screamed as she let out a small 'sorry' and stepped back, only to bump into someone else. She jumped back, bowing down over and over, apologizing profusely. "Don't worry about it," a smooth voice replied, a faint red brushing over her cheeks. She straightened up slowly to meet the vibrant blue eyes of another blonde. "O-Oh, uh, okay," she stuttered out, fiddling with the edge of her shorts.

"Are you okay? You seem shaken up," stated the boy, clearly concerned. "Me? Oh, I'm just a little nervous that's all," replied (y/n) a soft smile making it's way onto her face. "Don't be," he grinned as her face burned red once more, "I'm sure you'll do fine!" She let out a chuckle, "thanks."

"What's your name?" he asked as she continued to focus on anything but him. "It's Amai (y/n)," she answered, "what's yours?" The blonde smiled at the shorter girl, "my name is—" Before he could answer, a loud siren went off, officially commencing the start of the test. (y/n) frowned and looked to the gates in front of her. A sense of longing washed over her as the people around them began to run.

"Good luck!" A pat on her back took her out of the trance she didn't know she was in, her feet tripping over the other as she began to run. His blue eyes sparked with mischief and excitement as he ran off in front of her, waving all the while she stared at his face.

"And that's how I began to crush on him," stated a proud (y/n), the two raven-haired girls in front of her clapping awkwardly. "So, basically love at first sight?" questioned Tsuyu, placing her finger on her cheek as she stared at her friend in a deep thought. (y/n)'s face burst into a bright red, "the word l-love is a bit much don't you think?" Jiro sighed as she rested her head on the palm of her hand. "Amai, as much as I hate to break it to you, the boy's toxic." Momo took another bite of her lunch with a small frown, "we don't want to see you get hurt, Amai."

"Well, then how am I supposed to talk to him?!"

"You shouldn't," stated Mina, "you're too nice to be with him! He's terrible!" (y/n) disregarded their comments only to reply with a sweet 'thank you'. She didn't care what they thought. Deep down she knew why he was the way he was. That sweet boy that helped her calm her nerves at the entrance exam was the real him. She didn't imagine it— there was no doubt it was him. Those indigo-blue eyes that shone when he spoke to his classmates were the same ones she saw before they were separated. The reason he acted that way was easy to see, it baffled her that her friends and classmates couldn't tell.



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