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"My dear Aine. I can finally see you now."

Her breath hitched, and the hairs on her arm rose, her heart booming loudly in anxiety as she circled her head around the chambers. But there wasn't a single figure but the two girls. "Who are you..." she asked, her hand still tightly clutched on her alder wand. The mysterious voice cackled, it replied, "I think you already know the answer to that."

Partly. But she wanted to believe it wasn't. There's no way he could be living here, there's no way it could be him. Aine was about to open her mouth, but the sound of the metal doors opened, forcing her to be wary. However, only a boy stood there to her surprise. "Harry!" she calls out and his eyes widened, "Aine! Ginny! Aine... your head." He gasped, running straight at them and when he caught sight of Ron's little sister, and his friend, "Yeah... I know... Hit my head on something." Aine replies and he winces, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Apparently." the girl smiles, it was hurting her head but she was still alive. 

He sighs, turning to Ginny, "Oh Ginny! Ginny!" he called her, shaking her awake, but it was no use. He mirrored Aine's action earlier when she had woken up herself, no matter how much Aine calls out to her best friend, she never woke up. 

"Please don't be dead, wake up! Please, Ginny! Wake up!" Harry urges, but Aine shooks her head, it was no use.

"She won't wake." 

Aine's eyes got bigger, and she clutches onto the sleeves of Harry's dirty robes, she was shaking and the voice got closer. He was here. She looked down, staring at her own reflection reflecting the wet stoned floors as Harry looks up, his eyes darting at a figure. "Tom... Tom Riddle!" He says and Aine gulps. She wanted to run away that instant, she wanted to escape, the person haunting her dreams is in the same room, "Aren't you going to look at me, Aine?" Tom says, amusingly and Aine slowly turns her head, eyes meeting his and he smirks.

Unlike what she had imagined him to be. He was tall, leaned and had a rather handsome face, he had brown hair that was slightly wavy and dark cold eyes. He wore a Slytherin uniform, neat and groomed. But this man was dangerous, despite his looks. This was Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Harry looked at them both, confused, his eyes trailing to her shaking hands on his clothes. He continued, "What do you mean, she won't wake? She's not..." his heart drops, is Ginny dea-- "She's alive, barely." he answers him and the boy grew puzzled at Tom Riddle, "Are you a ghost?" 

Tom snickered, and looked down to the girls, his eyes glinting with a hidden thought. "A memory, preserved in the diary for 50 years." he said, "That diary that Ginny and you have been seen using." Tom added, "Won't you greet me, Aine?" 

Her eyes pierced his brown eyes, gritting her teeth, "What are you doing here?" she asks threateningly and Harry interrupts, "Tom! You have to help us! There's a basilisk here and--"

"It won't come until it's called." The older replied, crouching down and picking up Harry's wand, Aine grew cautious, and Harry was perplexed but still held a smile, "Give me my wand, Tom."

The older boy fiddles with Harry's wand, touching the raw wooden stick and he smiles at it, "You wouldn't be needing it." 

"What are you talking about? We have to go! We have to save them both! They're trapped here!" Harry explains, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Harry." Tom says and the boy squints his eyes.

Aine got up, her head hung low and Tom grins, he circled around them, "You see, as Ginny Weasley grows weaker, I get stronger."

"What are you talking about?" Aine finally spoke, and he shrugs, "It was Ginny Weasley who opened the chamber of secrets."


"No! There's no way she could have opened!" Harry shouts, trying to take everything in with this new mysterious boy. 

UNRAVEL | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now