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"Wish you were here, Hermione." Harry mutters, looking over at the petrified Hermione, "We need you now, more than ever." he adds, and Ron looks at her with saddened eyes, chewing on his lips. Aine stands behind them, looking at her friends. "She'll be okay..." she reassures them both, as long as they manage to brew the antidote, it'll be okay.

It was just like any other day, after classes, they would visit their friend in the hospital wing. Every day, the boys would bring her books and notes that they've taken down in class, as they knew that Hermione would never like to miss out in classes. Aine brought flowers every time she came, and she would replace the ones that are dried out in the vase beside her bed. 

And like every other day, they would leave with heavy hearts. Aine missed talking to Hermione, and despite having met barely a year, she considered Hermione to be one of her best friends. Someone who was always there to push her, encourage and support her, if she was around now, she would have confronted Hermione about the problem with Ginny. And she'll probably tell her the right thing to do. 

The Gryffindors stood in silence, their eyes looming over to the girl before Harry squints his eyes, and he stretches his hands over to Hermione's, pulling out a crumpled page of the paper. "What's this?"

Aine's eyes widened as Harry peels open the paper, revealing a familiar page. "That's!" she gasped and Harry turned to her, "Have you seen this before, Aine?" 

The girl nods, that was why she and Hermione were in the library the other day, she explained to the boys who were reading the contents of the page. She has completely forgotten Hermione had torn the page out and kept it, wanting to spread the news to the boys which never happened, considering what happened afterwards. She never knew Hermione was holding onto that piece of valuable information despite visiting her almost every day. 

The boy's eyes grew big as they read the page, "Oh my god." Ron gulped, and Harry pushed his chair back, standing up and looking to his friends, "Come on!" he exclaims, running out of the hospital wing with Aine and Ron trailing after his steps. It was almost curfew and they had to go. He read the page out loud as they walk, telling the same thing Aine and Hermione had talked about before she was petrified. 

About the basilisk, about how victims were being petrified. There was always a variable for being petrified and not killed by the basilisk. The water for Mrs Norris, a ghost for Justin, a camera for Collin and the mirror for Hermione. "The pipes. That's how the basilisk has been slithering around." Aine added, not forgetting the important information.

"The plumbing?" answered Ron, rather disgusted. 

"Remember what Aragog said? About the girl who died 50 years ago?" Harry added, and Aine shook her head, she wasn't there when they went exploring for Hagrid's friend, Aragog, the Acromatula. "Oh right, you weren't there, Aine," he says, embarrassed. 

They left out the part where Aragog explained it to the boys, about the mysterious girl who tragically died, and how Hagrid was partially to blame. "She died in the bathroom?" Aine questions and Harry continued, "What if she never left?"

Ron gasped and his mouth hung open, he swallows and he turned to Harry who nodded, "Moaning Myrtle." they said together.

Just as they were about to bolt and run to find the female ghost residing in the female bathroom, the speaker blasted, announcing, "All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second-floor corridor immediately." 

"We have to go." Ron bleats and Harry looked to the path ahead. "You two go on, I'll cover for you in case Professor McGonagall comes inspecting," Aine says with a sad smile, she wanted to make sure Ginny is alright, something tells her that she should check with Ginny. It's been a while since they talked anyways. It was a weird timing to be checking on her, but there was no point in dragging the problem longer than it already has. "Are you sure, Aine? You could get in trouble." Ron asks worriedly, and she nods in return. "Promise me you'll be safe, and don't do anything stupid when I'm not around." 

UNRAVEL | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora