**The Sunshine**

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Did I come here too early?

Philip asked himself. He's standing on the sliding door of his room, you can see everything in the room from this angle, yet he didn't see a single country human.. He sighed, it doesn't matter now does it? Maybe his close friends would be early.. after all they have so much in common.

hmm.. I wonder if we have a sitting arrangement. He thought as he approached the front desk, to see no sitting arrangement insight nor is it on the white board or walls. looks like I'm sitting where ever I want.

He walked to the center seat, where he isn't far from the board nor was he too near. He took out his sketch pad, and started doodling. Why do I call it a sketch pad, when I only doodle on it? should I call it a doodle pad now? His thoughts started to waver as he continued to doodle, to be specific, he's doodling his feelings out, a doodle of being alone.. no.. it's being hopeless. Yeah, that's the right word for it. He was hopeless he have no reason to hope, since it was taken away-


The lead of his pencil snapped, must be from being to lost in his thoughts. He held it up on front of his face and looked at it suspiciously, as if the pencil made a horrible deed. The sliding door opened to reveal Indonesia and Malaysia, Philip put the pencil down and looked at them. Indonesia's flag/face was simple, two horizontal rectangle, above is red and below it is white. Some question's why didn't he took a little effort in making his flag, but some also says that his flag has it's own meaning to it.

Malaysia's flag/face in the meantime has it's own detail. He has a similar flag to America, you know the famous country? but the box on his right was a crescent moon and a star, instead of 50 stars, some would mistaken it for a sun. I don't know what others think about him, but I think America and him could team up for a twin prank.

"Good morning, Philip. You're early." Malaysia said.

"Good morning, Malay. I didn't check the time when I came here." Philip smiled nervously, he's poker face gone, like it never existed. He's called a sweet sunshine because he's always happy, and.. well.. sweet, but if you know him any better he's so empty inside.

"Oh, well then. Since we came here so early, wanna walk around for a bit? You know, do something besides waiting?" Indonesia suggested

"Sure!" Philip smiled brightly, he put his things back to his bag and went to his two friends.

"So, any specific places to go? I suggest the gym." Indo spoke.

"I suggest the art room." Malaysia said.

"What about you Philip? Any suggestions?" Indo asked as they Malaysia looked Philip. Philip looked up, his index fingers on his chin, thinking about some places with reasons.

"I suggest going to the garden, if there is one. I would like to see, if my national flower is there." Philip stated, by national to country humans it means their favorites. You know? Something like it's in our nation, instead of it's in our nature.

Malay and Indo looked at each other and back to Philip. "That's a good idea, Phil. I never thought of that." Malay said.

"I bet, the garden has all our national flowers, they can't call this equality if they don't put all individuals national flower."

"You have a point there, but let's go there to see our national flowers, shall we?"

"We shall" Indo and Philip said in unison as they continued to walk the empty halls.

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