
Start from the beginning

"I can't remember the last time I had a birthday party." I said while smiling slightly.

"Well good it's a formal party, and you're the birthday girl so be sure to sick out from the rest." Shanahan demanded with a smile.

"So when is this spectacular party may I ask?" I asked Shanahan with a smile.

"Friday night after practice. It'll be at my house." Shanahan answered with a smile.

"Alright Shanahan, I'll be there. " I said playfully while smiling happily.

"Perfect, I'm gonna let the rest of the team know. It's gonna be a great night." Shanahan said as he made his way over to the team standing near us.

"Wow, a birthday party huh?" Claire asked me while smiling widely.

"Yeah, I guess." I stated as I shrugged at Claire.

"Well that could be fun." Claire said as she looked over at Jimmy who was staring straight at me from dowm the sideline.

"Yeah, or it could be a total disaster." I scoffed as Jimmy and I continued looking at each other, he still looked pretty pissed off.

"Oh you're such a drama queen Camila." Claire said with a small smile.

Suddenly I spotted Keiana on the field, her and Jimmy exchanged a friendly hug. Jimmy was smiling from ear to ear as she spoke to him.

I could feel rage bubble up inside me. I cried too many tears, I was just pissed that this bitch had the nerve she did.

"Yeah, or maybe I'm not." I spat at Claire as I looked over at Jimmy and Keiana.

I slammed my water down on the bench and stormed off the field to occupy my time elsewhere.

Jimmy's POV:

Shanahan was over talking to Claire and Camila for a few minutes before he joined me and the rest of the team once again.

"Alright, listen up! Friday night we're having a celebration at my house. Everyone must attend, and dress nicely." Shanahan informed us all seriously.

I wasn't sure what exactly we were celebrating, so I spoke up.

"What exactly are we celebrating?" I asked Shanahan curiously.

"I'm so glad you asked Jimmy. Coach Harris' birthday is coming up, so we're throwing her a special party. Also, I have some important news to share with you all." Shanahan answered my question with a smile.

I almost forgot Camila's birthday was coming up, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to execute my plan to get her back.

I wanted to talk to Camila ever since Claire told me everything at yesterday's game, but I just couldn't find the right opportunity.

Camila's birthday party presented itself as the perfect in for an opportunity. I smiled at Shanahan and nodded happily.

"Sounds great coach, I'll be there. No doubt." I said to Shanahan happily.

"Good to hear Jimmy." Shanahan said excitedly.

I saw Keiana approach me out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey stranger." Keiana said with a smile.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked Keiana curiously.

"I wanted to give you a congraulatory hug for your big win yesterday." Keiana stated as she moved in for a hug, giving me no time to react. I hugged her back instinctively and smiled fakely at her before I spoke.

"Look, Keiana.. I'm sorry, but I just don't like you like that." I said to Keiana softly.

Keiana looked at me full of shock, obviously not expecting the answer I gave her.

"It's Camila isn't it?" Keiana asked me with a slight attitude.

"Yeah, it is.." I answered honestly as I watched her storm off the field, obviously upset. "Fuck.." I mumbled under my breath.

She probably saw me hug Keiana, I had to set the record straight or she would never trust me again.

"I have to go." I said to Keiana as I ran after Camila, trying to catch up to her.

I wasn't sure what I was gonna say, or what I was gonna do, but I had to do something.

Camila's POV:

"Camila!" I heard a familiar voice shout to me, his feet pounding into the ground as he caught up to me.

I froze where I stood and turned around slowly to face Jimmy Garoppolo. I was shocked he wasn't still pissed off at me, or still hanging around Keiana.

"Jimmy?" I said in disbelief as he nodded at my question, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, It's me. I came to talk to you about Keiana." Jimmy said while looking me in the eyes.

"Listen, I'm not trying to be rude but I really don't want to have this discussion with you right now." I said full of hurt as I turned and started to walk away.

"Woah, woah, hang on a second." Jimmy said as he grabbed my wrist to stop me. "There's nothing going on between Keiana and I Camila, I swear to you." Jimmy admitted seriously.

I had no idea why he was telling me this, we weren't even together. I was fifty shades of confused by his sudden need to tell me this. Why didn't he say that during our argument days ago? Why now?

I didn't wanna play games, if Jimmy was still mad at me and didn't want anything to do with me, I didn't wanna hear this.

"Look.. I love you Jimmy I really do, but I can't play these games with you. You made it clear that you didn't wanna be together anymore, so I'm not really sure what you're trying to do. We're at work and I really don't wanna do this with you, especially not here." I stated frankly as I walked away from Jimmy.

Saying that to Jimmy hurt a lot more than I thought it would. I wanted nothing more than to work everything out and be with Jimmy again, but he broke up with me.

Honestly I was just more confused than anything else.

Jimmy's POV:

I watched as Camila walked away from me. I could have told her I loved her and that wanted her back, but I didn't wanna do it here.

I wanted to confess my feelings to her at her birthday party, and ask her to be my girlfriend again as a surprise.

I wanted her to know that I did really love her, that I forgave her for what she did, and that she was beyond good enough for me. I was gonna say all that and more, but not at here at Levi's stadium.

Camila's POV:

After my conversation with Jimmy, I went straight up to my office and did some work I had been putting off.

When I finished my office work I went down to the gym in the stadium. I took inventory of everything, and checked all the workout equipment to make sure it was all working correctly.

I found it odd that Shanahan was throwing me a birthday party, he never threw one for anyone else. I wasn't complaining though, it was a kind gesture.

It was definitley gonna be a very interesting birthday party to say the least.

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