Chapter 6

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They look around at the destruction.

Miyo: We can't let him get to the other cities, Kamui!

Kamui doesn't hear Miyo. He can only hears the sounds of his own village being destroyed. He clenches his fist and draws his blade.

Kamui: (Deeper voice) I'll find whoever did this.. Let's go.

Kyubi: Kamui?

Kamui holds up the satchel that carries the souls. Multiple demons and some Tengu appear from the burning debris of the village. He hands the souls to Miyo.

Kamui: I'll deal with them.

Kamui charges into the fray, with his sword ready. He cuts down the demons, one by one, left and right. A spark of electricity flies off his blade, taking out the Tengu. The remaining demons flee the village. Miyo runs to Kamui.

Miyo: Kamui!!

Kamui turns around. His look is completely different.

Miyo: Kamui, snap out of it! This isn't you!

Kamui's look goes back to normal. He falls to his knees with tears in his eyes.

Kamui: I'm sorry.. Just seeing the town in ruins, reminded me of my home.. I was letting my anger control me.

Miyo kneels down with him and comforts him.

Kyubi: In times where you feel anger, violence isn't the correct path. Find good in what's bad. You couldn't control it Kamui. You have to stay strong or Shinjumuto will continue to do what happened here to the entirety of Kajimoto.

Kamui gets back on his feet. Rain begins to fall, putting out the fires.

Kamui: Let's look for survivors.

They begin to search the village. The interior of most of the houses are filled with burnt wood with some walls covered in claw marks. So far, nobody yet.

Kyubi: Hey, over here!

They find a house with a tag on the door. The house seems to be the least damaged out of all of the house. Parts of the house are burnt and a lantern is dangling off a half cut rope. They knock on the door. Footsteps and murmuring can be heard from the otherside. An old man opens the them with his face covered by a hooded cloth.

Hooded Man: Is it over? Are they gone?

Kamui: Yes. It's a bit hard to explain, but we entered the village and when I saw the demons.

The man cuts him off.

Hooded Man: I'm sorry, we?

Kamui steps aside.

Kamui: Yes, this is Miyo, and the fox's name is Kyubi.

The man walks out of the house and takes a look at Miyo.

Hooded Man: I can't believe it.. It really is you.

The man reveals himself to be an old man with long graying hair. Tears begin to form in his eyes.

Old Man: Miyo.. Do you remember me?

Miyo's eyes begin to fill with tears.

Miyo: Dad!

The two embrace with tears.

Miyo's Father: Miyo.. I'm sorry I haven't returned to Akron Village. I was going to return a few days ago, but then these demons attacked. Thankfully, no one is hurt badly. Me and the village leader got everyone to safety, sadly it cost him his life.

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