Chapter 4

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The Tengu flies towards Miyo, blade ready. They both start with basic blade fighting, with them block each other's attacks. Miyo does a rising swing that grazes the Tengu's cheek. She goes for a thrust, but the Tengu leaps into the air and kicks her in the back, knocking her down, and quickly the Tengu does a falling slash, expecting to end this quickly. Miyo quickly rolls around with her blade ready to guard.

Tengu: Well, well. You don't need to depend on the boy. You can fight.

Miyo: Quiet! Kūchū ya (Aerial Arrow)!

The blast of wind connects head on, sebding the Tengu rocketing into the sky.

Tengu: If you're not pulling your punches, that I shouldn't either!

The Tengu flaps it's wings sending off feathers like an arrow from a bow.

Kamui: M..Miyo..

Miyo quickly dodges all of the razor sharp feathers, each sticking in the ground. The Tengu appears almost in front of her and thrusts his sword into her shoulder, but she quickly retaliates by dragging her blade across his face, leaving a deep scar over his eye. The Tengu stumbles back, clutching at it's eye, blood runs down between his fingers. Miyo takes the time to quickly wrap a piece of her torn kimono around her wound. The wrappings turn red in the center.

Tengu: Kono yarō (You bastard)! No.. Mercy...

The Tengu hold his blade with two hands, and pulls in seperate ways, creating another sword out of a see-through blue fire.

Tengu: Tamashī no ha (Soul Sword).

He swings his spiritual sword sending a line of fire towards Miyo.

Miyo: Saikuronsuraisu (Cyclone Sword)!

The fire gets caught in the cyclone and fades away.

Kyubi: Odd, Tengu shouldn't be able to learn that technique.

Tengu: (Sarcastic) You seem to know a lot, then again you're just the runt of the litter of foxes that have come before you.

Wukong: You'll pay for everything.. I swear on the gods above...

Tengu: And what will you do? You three are can't move. All you can do is enjoy the front row seats to your friend's demise.

Miyo: Rule 1 in blade fighting, don't turn your back!

Miyo slashes across it's back leaving a long cut starting from the back of its right shoulder and ending at his lower back towards the kidney. The Tengu turns while slashing his swords. A large fire engulfs Miyo's right arm, burning away the sleeve of the kimono. She winces in pain. The Tengu begins to swing his blades at Miyo. She's blocking most of the attacks, but due to her injured shoulder, she has to jump out of the way of something of them.

Miyo: (Thinking) There has to be something I can do! Mother, Father...

Tears fall to the ground.

Miyo: (Thinking) There has to be something.

She begins to have a flashback. The flashback shows her when she was younger, training with her father with wooden swords. Her father has long hair tied into a ponytail and a short goatee. Her father knocks the sword out of her hand.

Young Miyo: Aww, man! You never let me win!

Her father responds in a low, but calming voice.

Miyo's Father: Miyo, it'll take time for you to control your sword skills and your sword style. It's like your mother says "practice makes perfect."

Miyo: But I have been practicing.

Miyo's Mother: Miyo, listen please. Think of you controlling your sword style like a seed in the ground. If taken care of and nurtured, it'll grow strong. But if not taken care of, it won't grow and'll probably just be a seed in the ground.

Kamui's Pathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें