Chapter 1

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The story begins in a small village with people walking in the open fields, some collecting crops. As one villager collects water, the clouds start to become a mixture of dark purple and black. Villagers run to their houses, looking at the phenomenon from windows. Thunder rumbles in the sky above. Massive stomps can be heard outside. A large ogre-like creature carrying a ripped out tree in it's hand is stomping towards the village. The ogre releases a massive roar and the silhouette of a samurai opens it's eyes revealing glowing red eyes. It quickly cuts to an elderly man wakes from his sleep, terrified. He hurries outside to see the same as it was in the village.

Elderly Man: My vision was true... Shinjumuto's curse is near... It finally is his time.

15 Years Later.

It cuts to a young man walking through plains of wheat. The sky is gloomy and no sunlight is piercing the sky. The man has long messy brown hair tied into a ponytail with two large bangs that start around the center of his forehead and two smaller that stop around his eyebrows. He wears a blue kimono with a white wave design at the bottom, black obi belt around his waist, an open white long sleeve jacket over top and sandals. He carries a long bladed sword with a long hilt in a black sheath. An elderly man sits at the cliffside, staring down at the crashing waves.

Elderly Man: Ah, you're finally here Kamui.

Kamui: You sent me a message, Murafumi Sensei. As your apprentice, I must answer to you.

Murafumi: As you've probably seen, the sky has turned dark, and for what seems like forever, the sun hasn't shined.

Kamui: Yes, Murafumi Sensei. I've noticed that for a while. Is there a storm coming?

Murafumi goes silent. Then sighs.

Murafumi: I'm afraid it's worse then that. It would seem that our peaceful land is in trouble once more, Kamui.

Kamui: Once more?

Murafumi: This may be a lot to take in, Kamui, but listen closely to what I say. About 5 years ago to this day I foresaw his in a vision, which sadly cost your home village, and your family.

Kamui clenches his fist slightly as he partially remembers the chaos of that day.

Murafumi: Calm yourself. Anger will only lead to pain, and your pain will lead to guilt. I saw in my vision... Shinjumuto's curse is taking it's effects, and now that he's returned, he plans to regain his power and turn Kajimoto into his image.

Kamui: I never thought it would become reality, but no time to focus on that now! What can we do?

Murafumi: Sadly, it is not "we", Kamui. This is something that I entrust in you. But before this, I must tell you something. That sword, the Nodachi... Is the very sword that defeated Shinjumuto 50 years ago. But bring it out quickly.

Kamui unsheaths the Nodachi. The blade is relatively clean, but the wrappings around the hilt are worn, but still firm.

Murafumi: The blade is still in flawless shape, but it's true power is dwarfed compared to its real power.

Kamui: What must I do for it's power to return?

Murafumi: When Shinjumuto and his curse were revived the first time, his three Oni were revived as well. You will first need to kill the three Oni, and collect their souls. The souls act like keys to the place where the blade can be restored, Daichobi Temple. Take the souls to the temple and place them in the dragon statue's heads and then place the sword in the slot.

Kamui: You seem to know a lot about this Murafumi Sensei. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know?

Murafumi goes silent for a second.

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